welcome to ponyville

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you were on your way to ponyville on a train "almost there" you said 

you lived in canterlot before this but everyone there was too snobby for you. you didnt like people obsessed with themselfs
you pulled into the station and got off the train "this looks like the place ponyville"

suddenly you're greated by a purple unicorn and a  dragon??? "is that a dragon???" you yell

"yes this is spike hes my dragon companioun" she says "princess celestia told me you were on you way so i came by to see you."

princess celestia was my aunt and so was luna "oh thank you" i said to twilight

come on you can stay at my house and you ca meat my friends!" she said "yeah and you get to met rarity.." the dragon spoe with heart eyes

"sounds good lets go" i said at we trop away

we go thru pony ville and everyone is so nice everyone says hello and introduces themselfs and ask how you like ponyville in canterlot everyone is snoody and doesnt pay attention to you

we make our way to a big tree with a door on the front "this is my house and library" said twilight "you will stay with me here" she said "its beautiful i lov eit!" you say as you walk in there were books everywhere and it was sooo cozy!

"i love to read!" i say as i turn to twi "my favorite book is probably alice in ponyland" i said
i see twi turn her head with a blush and says "i love that one too..." i smile at her with closed eyes
"let me show you to your room" we go upstaires "this is my room and this is your room" she points to a small guest room close to hers "i had it built for you" she said "oh my gosh thank you!" i run and jump on the bed "its so bouncy!" twi blushes again as i take a big jump and start flying around and land in front of her

"thank you twi!" i said "n-no problem... l-lets go meat my friends" she said with a stammer

we go to a place called sugar cube corner it look like a bakery we go in to see a huge mess of frostings and batters and sprinkles "INCOMING!!!" someone yells as i get covered in deserts
"pinkie! thats our new friend you cant do that!" twilight yells "oops sorry!" says pinkie

i shake off the sweets and try a bite "mmm it's delishious!" i say

pinkie lights up "*GASSSSP* REALLY?! she yells "yeah its the best ive ever had!" i say 
pinkie jumps up an down and sqeales "heheh im glad you like it! we're going to be the best best best BESTEST friend EVAR!!!" she screams

"now that you've met pinkie were going to keep going" said tri "let's go meat rarity" she says. spike gets excited at the name and gets the heart eyes again and we head to what looks like a bouteque 

we enter and see a white unicorn with purple hair making dresses she seems really concentrated "hey rarity this is angelheart shes new here" twi said 
she just mummbles to herself more not even hearing her "HEY RARITY!" more mumbling and working

"ugh.... they're from canerlot." she said grumpily "*GASSSSP* CANTERLOT?!?!" rarity springs up and runs over looking at you

"oh my celectia a alicorn from canterlot i cant believe it! i just haaave to make you a dress dahling~~! it must be amazing living in a castle as a princess" she says with an odd accent "oh uhhh no thank you, i dont like dresses. i like hoodies and pj pants... and i dont live in a castle or as a princess really right now, i just want a normal live...." i say looking down "whaaat?? you dont like dresses?? who wouldnt dream of being a princess???" she asks "yeah idk... me i guess..." i say even sadder "oh dahing its okay dont feel bad..." she lifts my  chin and apologizes "its okay maybe you can make me a hoodie or something" i say "i think i can do that, it will be fabulous!" i exlaims

"well we should go we have others to meat!" twi said "okay good bye dahlings!" she said as we left
"oh its dark out already we should get home you must be tired" twi said "what about your other frineds?" i ask "we vcan met them tomorrow" she said "lets head back home" "okay"

we walk to the treehouse at night the streets have pretty lanterns to its not scarey (not that im scared of the dark) we go home and go inside and go upstaires. we go lay down in our rooms next to eachother and say goodnight to eachother and drift to sleep....


A/N PREETY LONG CHAPTER!! proud of myself >w< so well meet the other 3 "on the morrow"~! (pb ref) 

after we meat ill ecept requests for hanging out with one of the mane six 

i have a suprise for next chap too

okee baiiiiii

mane six plus one [oc story]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora