the rest of our friends

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twilight pov:

i woke up to the smell of something cooking spike must be making something i go downstaires to find him

i go downstaires and find angelheart making breckfast??? "oh good morning!" she said "i make ggs bacon and toast for us!" she smiles with her eys closed

i blush and sit down for breakfast spike had already eaten his gem pancakes and is back to slepp. i take a bite of my food and my eyes go wide "MMM its so good how did you do that!" i yell happyiliy "oh its just a little magic" she says as she waves the pan around with he magic

"oh and love too..." she whispers i blush harder and finish my food "th-thank you i say"

angelheart pov: 

we finish our food "so when are we going to meat your other friends" i ask "oh there probably done with there food by now we can go now" she says so we head out to a tree farm

i see a oragen pony with freckles kicking a tree twi goes over to here and introduces us "hi aj this is angelheart our new friend!" she says "well all be!" aj says with a country accent "a princess!" she bows to me a nd takes off her cowgirl hat

"o-oh you dont have to do that... i dont really see myslef as a princess" i say "well then wanna try apple buckin?" she say "apple what?" "apple buckin! its wehn you kick a tree and the apples fall" "oh o-okay..." i say nervosly

i trop over to a tree and consintrate.... the other ponys look at me and i kick the tree as hard as i can and all the apples fall into the basket! "i...i did it!" i say proud of myself "shoot i aighnt never seen someone buck that good on theyre first try!" aj says "yeah that was amazing!" twi says i blush to myself.. "th-thank you guys..."

"wheel wee have to meat other friends bye aj" twi says "come back any time" j yells as we leave

we head to a very naturey style house with animals everywhere we go inside and see a yellow pegasis feeding a bear cub abottel "oh my gosh! a bear!" i yell "shh he's falling asleep" "shes very good with animals twi said "oh okay' i say

she puts him down as he sleeps and she comes over to us "angelheart this is fluttershy" twi said "h-hello.. " the pony said shyly more shyly then me "hi there i like your house its very cottagecore" i say "oh! th-thanky ou" she says blussing

"well w e have one more pony to meat soo you around fluttershy" twi said

we leave the house and twi takes us to he house "um arnt we meating someone else? i ask "yeah but i just needed to grab something before w go" she said and grads a book of the shelve 

"lets go she said"

we head out and twi takes us on a hot air ballowwand we go up "wow its so high" i say as i looks doen "almost there" she says and we make it to clouds dale "there she is and we go over to  "rainbowdash!" twi yells and she flys over "the\is is angelheart" she says shes new here" twi sayd "wow an alicorn you hace to race me!" she said "o-oh im not that fast a flier.." i say "come onnnn ! you have to " she says "well okay..:  we get ready for the race "ok the two one go!" twi yells and we race a close my eays and fly as fast as i can "finish!" some one yells "y-you beat me.. good job" i say "wh-what!? you won! you beat me! " rainbow dash yells "oh im s-sorry" i say about to 

to lwave "no you are so awesome! you are so cool a.h.!" she says "were gunna be good freinds! " 

"well its getting late its time to go home bye dash" twi says and we hop in the balloon and go home 

we make it to the tree and get settled in we get ready for bed a and get  ready for bed and drift to sleep....



i forgor the surise ._. next chappie i promis!!!

bai guysssss

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