Chapter 31: All over again?

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"Do you maybe, want to go on a date?"
" As friends, or something else?" I chuckled

"Friends" he said seriously,

"Yea sure, where off too?" I was exited, its been a long time, but I still miss Nash,

"Uh, my place, we can watch movies you know?"

"Yea sure" I didn't sound exited, and Matt wasn't either,

"Your uncomfortable, aren't you?"

I just shrugged, I looked at Matt's face, he was just sipping on his smoothie.


We went home. I unlocked my house and obliviously saw Tasha sitting on the couch, eating my cookies.

"That's mine" I laughed and grabbed the box from her,

"Well I only left 5, I get to keep 4"

"No, I bought these, so no" I laughed

I could hear Matt giggling at his phone, he was watching vine probably.

"Watcha doin?" I say down beside Matt,

"Watching some fails" he starred to laugh again

"You are mean" I laughed punching his shoulder,

Matt's face dropped, he started to fake cry and started running around the house,

"MOM, SHE PUNCHED ME" he screamed

"Calm yo tits" I laughed,

"No you" he smirked

"She doesn't have any, now shut up!" Tasha yelled trying to watch her show,

Matt and I giggled.


Ok so neverrrr trust me when I say, I'm gonna update in these certain dates........ well procrastination, and laziness, but I'm so sorryyy, I will try my best to update soon, luv yy'all, POTATO

Knots to Unravel - Matthew Espinosa (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now