3. judge a book by its cover.

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"Is this the place?" I asked snooping over Erica's shoulder to examine the house. It was a small fancy glass house by its own in the woods. The place looked so warm bringing me to why I found it unbelievable.

"Yeah..." Erica replied absently tapping off her tablet.

I looked again and for a cold person he seemed to be, I was sure we were lost.

"We are sneaking in." Erica more of ordered and I followed. She was more of the elder and leader, knowing what to do when and how.

We walked around through the woods to the back of the house. When we were at an ear's distance from the back of the house, we had The weekend blasting through thehe speakers. Another reason to tell we were in the wrong place.

Erica turned to give me the twin look of 'you're thinking what I am thinking.'

Erica looked back at her tablet and whispered, "Coast clear." We walked quietly to the door and I broke the code. Something I was good at and we were equipped anyway.

Remember when I told you the outside of the house looked warm, the inside now looked a gazillion times warmer. White Walls and furniture with zebra themes. Toys scattered all over the floor. I strongly believed this was the wrong home and we were now in for it for trespassing.

Me and Erica still gave each other the same look.

"Hi..." We were both startled by a very small voice coming from behind the couch and oh God we almost tripped over each other.

The kid came out. He was shirtless and a mop of black curls were on his head and he looked really cute but this was no time because I knew so soon me and my sister were going to jail for trespassing. Is that even a crime.

"Are we in the right place? " I looked back at Erica who was busy tapping off on her tablet, cursing under her breath.

Instead of Erica answering, the kid again scared me shitless by saying, "Yeth... You're home.." he said with a stammer.

"Shut the fuck up." Erica whisper screamed at the kid. I have never felt like running for my dear life. We were in the wrong home and as though that wasn't tragic enough, my twin sister was cursing at kids.

I looked down at the shirtless kid to find him with a puzzled look. "Fratello thays..... I shouldn't thay that word..." He stammered out again.

We both face palmed. "We need to leave." I hushed out.

"We are in the right place. I ain't backing out." Erica said, still concentrated on her tablet. She was panicking and she was rubbing off on me. As though that wasn't enough, we heard footsteps coming from somewhere like the kitchen and a male voice called out, "Big guy... You got someone there?"

"Shit shit... Get your gun." Erica said.

I already had it even before she could ask. Trust me I was freaking out. We were going to scare away someone and oh Christ help me I would kill Erica if we got out of this.

"Yeth.... Fratello." The kid just had to add effect.

Erica got her gun too, " This little snitch of a devil." She cursed at the kid.

The footsteps were now almost where we were and we both pointed the guns that way.

From the corner of the room entered him in his shirtless glory. Abramo Clark.
I wanted to shoot immediately but Erica put her hand on my arm.

The kid immediately ran and hid behind him. He had a confused look on his face and I had a glare as though it had been curved on my face.

He put his arms up as though as sign of surrender. "What's going on here?" I let my eyes roam to his naked torso and urgh! It wasn't the time. Ok

"Well..." Erica started. "I am Erica .... And this is my brother Eric." I wanted to slap sense into her. Why the fuck was she talking right now. "We promise we are here for peace."

"Peace I see...." Abramo said signaling to our guns and Erica immediately lowered hers but I didn't. She nudged me with her elbow but I wasn't having it.

"Yeah peace..." She hit me harder when she saw I wasn't putting my gun down so I gave in.

"Well Erica and Eric you said, why do I owe you the pleasure.?" He played dumb and boy! How I wanted to slap that pretence off his dumb face.

"Yeah.... That's why we are here." Erica said smiling victoriously like she had just won the grand award of being the stupidest person of the century. "This is a pretty house you got here." She started moving around. I made a mental note to deny that we have the same thinking capacity because trust me it was evident hers was at it's lowest.

"You killed our father." I immediately seethed out, tired of both teams of the idiots playing dumb. Abramo seemed to have been caught off guard but he covered it well.

Erica immediately stopped in her trucks, "What do y'all want?" His demeanor changed as he asked making me want to scream 'Oh the guts.'

"You..." I smirked in response but he didn't seem to find this conversation suitable for the kid in the room.

"Big guy... Go to your room. Don't come out till Fratello tells you to, okay?" He spoke so softly as though he had never sinned.

"Yeth..." The kid said shyly and disappeared behind the wall.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2022 ⏰

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