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Please don't try to find me through my dealer. He won't pick up his phone. Please don't try my father either, he ain't been home for years. I know I'm no spirit seeker. I can't sleep through the tears.


"Welcome to my castle." Eddie says as we get out of his van.

He opens the door to his trailer for me, and I walk in.

"The maid took the week off," Eddie says, cleaning up some of the empty beer cans around his trailer.

"You live here alone?" I ask. "What? Oh, no, I live with my uncle. He works at the plant late, bringing home the big bucks." Eddie says.

"How long does it take?" I ask.

He looks at me, "What?"

"The-the drugs." "Depends if you snort it or not," he smiles.

"It should be around here somewhere. Wait, I'll be right back." Eddie walks down the hall and into a room I'm assuming is his bedroom.

I stood there and waited. After a few minutes he came back holding the drugs in a small bag.

"Found them." He says, smiling.

I smile at him, taking the bag from him.

"So wanna start?" He asks.

"Huh? Oh! Oh—yeah." I say.

Eddie showed me how to take the drugs.

After we took them together, Eddie handed me joint and lit it.

"I've never smoked before." I say, kind of dazed.

"Here, just inhale it, hold it for a few seconds, and the exhale. It's easy." He says.

The first time I inhaled I coughed a lot.

It was kind of painful the first time it filled my lungs, but the second time, it relaxed me and felt really good.

Maybe I could stop seeing things, now.

I hadn't heard the clock since earlier, maybe it would finally stop.

"How do you feel?" Eddie asks.

"Weird, but like, in a good way." I answer.

"Ask me something." I say.

"Okay. What's...your favorite song?" Eddie asks me, laying back on the couch as I sit right next to his feet on the other side.

It took me a minute to decide, "Angie, by The Rolling Stones, I think. What about you?"

He nods, exhaling more smoke, it takes him a minute to answer, "I love all the songs I listen to, but probably Master of Puppets by Metallica."

I nod, even though I've never heard that song by them.

"What's your favorite color?" I ask him, then taking another hit, coughing slightly.

He exhales again, "Red. You?"

I exhale, "Pink."

He nods.

After we finished smoking I hear the clock. I sit up straight.

"Eddie! Do-do you hear that?" I ask, frantic.

He looks genuinely concerned but also confused, " Are-are you sure you're okay to go home? You can stay over if you want."

I was relieved, "Please. That would be amazing. I really think I am going crazy, Eddie. But—but around you I"

He looks into my eyes, forcing me to turn my head away from his gaze.

"That's-that's fine. You can sleep in my bed, if that's not weird for you. And I-I can sleep on the couch, or even the floor if you want me near you." He says.

"Okay, that's-that's good. Thank you so much." I say.

He gives me one of his t-shirts to change into. And I go into the bathroom to change.

When I get back I lay down in his bed, he made a small bed on the floor for himself.

I felt really bad, taking his bed.

"Eddie, you don't have to—you can have the bed, I'll take the floor." I say.

"No! No, guest gets the bed!" He says, smiling.

He shuts the lights off, only the moonlight shining through the window illuminated the room.

We lay in silence for a while until I finally say quietly, "Eddie. Can you just lay next to me?"

"Uh...yeah. Sure. As long as it's not weird for you." He says, getting up.

I move over, making space for him. He lays down next to me and we fall asleep.

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