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Hayes' POV
I lied to Tati. I was there when they slushed Violet. My friends didn't know that Jack had adopted them yet so they just thought they were new students with no friends. I felt really bad but they kinda looked like nerds so if my friends new about them they would tease me. A lot. I don't know if I should tell Tati but I'm pretty sure my friendship with them is gone. 1: I lied 2: I did it cause I'm selfish 3: I hurt my best friends. After Violet practically beat up Kyle ( blonde kid ) classes after classes I was thinking about Violet and how furious she would be. I avoided her all day. After school I scootered home without Violet and Tati. They got home before me so I tiptoed into my room quietly without them noticing. I was tired so I put in my ear phones and blasted them and just cried myself to sleep.

Violet's POV:
When I got home I ate a sandwich and watched spongebob. That yellow sponge is the only way I could smile now. My eyes still kinda hurt from earlier but oh well. I had to go to the bathroom so I was walking upstairs but then I heard crying in Hayes' room. I walked in quietly and saw him lying in his bed crying facing the wall that was opposite from tenge door. Why was he crying? I have no idea but I should probably let him sleep I mean I can't be creepy by just watching him. I left and told Tati I saw him crying. "He's crying cause I yelled at him" she yelled. "He was just watching you get slushed and he didn't do anything" she defended. Does he feel guilty for it? Probably it was 7:30 so I haut started to make Mac and Cheese for dinner.. My dad and JJ haven't gotten back from the studio and and neither has Shawn but the rest of the boys are home so I called them down. Hayes still hasn't gotten down yet so I went upstairs to his room he was still sleeping. I went by his bed and sat down on the edge and started to poke his face."Sttooopp" he moaned. "I made Mac and cheese so come down I said still poking his face. "Ok fine but stop poking me" We walked down stairs and ate but Hayes still looked upset. My dad came home with some girl that looked REALLY young. "Girls I want you to meet Madison, My girlfriend" WHATT?! I've heard about Madison and how she's been going around magcon breaking their hearts one by one. I already hate her. I put on a fake smile and said "Hi I'm Violet and this is my sister Tati." She smiled the fakest smile I've ever seen and hugged me. Eww! "I've heard some much about you too!" Me too you little garden tool (get it?) ! I gave Tati the "lets get out of here" look and we walked upstairs and just stayed in her room. "That's her!" she said "I know I already hate her!" Me and Tati just went to sleep after our rant about Madison and I fell asleep on her rug but it was very confy. The Hayes ting is still bothering me but I guess I'll ask him tomorrow.
Hey guys so drama am I right? I wanted something to happen in between the girls and Madison and Violet and Hayes. The next chapters are gunna be drama filled!

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