Communication Challenges

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Mikey hates this whole situation.

It's been two weeks since he and Donnie met Leo. The Big Guy has been seen less by humans though, so silver lining.

Mikey promised he wouldn't go back alone, but Leo is always on his mind. He remembers how upset he was about the pipe and how he wanted out, even if it meant leaving the Big Guy.

The Big Guy scares Mikey.

But the Big Guy was protecting his home and Leo, so Mikey may be scared of him, but he understands. Donnie can do some crazy things in their attempts to protect Mikey. Mikey refuses to think about the City Block Incident™.

So yes, Mikey understands that the Big Guy has good intentions, but that doesn't make it alright. Mikey knows what it feels like to have an overbearing sibling. It's hard enough with Donnie forbidding Mikey's solo missions, but Leo can't even leave his home sometimes. Mikey couldn't imagine how much it must suck to be cooped up down there. That's like Mikey never leaving the sewers! Mikey wouldn't be happy either.

Mikey wonders if Leo would sometimes sneak out, just like Mikey. The pipe makes Mikey think that the answer to that is yes. No one likes to be trapped.

Mikey kicks a loose stone into the sewer water.

He needed space to sort out his thoughts, but this isn't helping. He wants to go back and bring Leo to the lair and introduce him to Da-


Mikey freezes and turns to look at the familiar face.

"Leo," Mikey gasps, hands covering his mouth as tears spring to the corners of his eyes, "LeoLeoLeo!" Mikey cries and leaps at the turtle.

Leo flinches, but he lets Mikey grab him in a hug. Leo snuggles into it, rubbing their necks together and crooning. Mikey knows he's crying, but he doesn't care. He can't believe Leo is here and okay-

Mikey's eyes widen and he pulls away, carefully inspecting Leo for fresh wounds. He didn't get a good look at him a few weeks back, but the sluggishly bleeding upper arm is obvious. Mikey's eyes narrow and he inspects the wound, pulling out wipes. Leo whines and tries to pull out of his grip, snapping Mikey back into focus.

Right. Leo doesn't know about this stuff.

"Shhh, it's okay," Mikey shushes, gently, "I know it hurts, but it's better than it getting infected. I'm sorry."

Mikey must be doing something right, because Leo's whimpers die down to quiet whines and he stops fighting Mikey. Mikey smiles gently at Leo as he applies some gauze over the surprisingly long scratch along Leo's bicep. He makes sure to add some turtle plasters on top, just for the finishing touch.

"Aaaaand done!" Mikey declares.

He watches Leo look at his bicep and hesitantly poke a turtle. Leo flinches back immediately, but he quickly realises that it's okay and keeps poking it, letting out chirps. Mikey can't stop his own giggles, but he manages to grab Leo's hands.

"Don't do that," Mikey scolds lightly, pulling the hands away, "You'll make the wound worse."

Leo blinks at Mikey, "Urrrrrsssss. Earseeeee."

Mikey would've spit out any liquids if he had been drinking, "No. Wwwwwwwerrrrreeee. Sssssss. Not hearse. Wwwerrrrrrsssss."

"Wwwwerrrrrssssss," Leo's eyes narrow in concentration as his mouth forms the unfamiliar word, "Werrrrrrssssssss. Werrrssss."

"That's it!" Mikey grins, "Worse."

Leo's eyes brighten as he joyfully declares, "Hearse!"

Mikey just smiles, unable to tell him he's wrong, "We'll work on that."

Mikey's phone goes off.

Leo immediately jumps in front of Mikey, a defensive stance, protecting the smaller turtle. Mikey smiles and pulls out his phone. Leo gives him a confused and slightly betrayed look as the sound grows louder.

"Sorry," Mikey gives him an apologetic smile, "It's Dee," Mikey sighs and answers the call, making sure to keep his body language and facial expressions soft, "I thought I told you to leave me alone," Mikey watches Leo flinch. His tone was too harsh. He takes a deep breath in and holds a hand out to Leo, "No. I don't want your excuses," Mikey smiles as Leo takes the hand and he slowly pulls the slightly taller turtle closer, "Is it life or death?" Leo lets Mikey pull him close and wrap an arm around him, pulling him so that Leo's head rests on Mikey's lap, "Then why are you calling, Dee?" Leo begins to churr and Mikey feels his entire body soften, "I can look after mys-"


Donnie begins to ask questions at that loud word, wondering who Mikey is with.

"Dee! Dee! Dee!" Leo looks up at Mikey, a hopeful look on his face.

"I'll call you back, Dee," Mikey ends the call to Donnie screaming down the phone, probably about to activate the tracker they think Mikey doesn't know about, "What did you just say?"

"Dee!" Leo points at the phone.

Mikey chuckles and shakes his head, rubbing Leo's head, "Dee is my sibling. They were talking through the phone," Mikey exaggerates the last word and points at the phone, making Leo give a confused look, "Leo," Mikey smiles at how Leo's face lights up at the name, "chirp. Big Guy," Mikey puts his arm up high, hoping to get Leo to understand who he is talking about, "hear," he motions to his tympana, cupping them, "Dee call phone. Mikey hear. Mikey talk," Mikey points at his mouth, "Dee hear."

Leo frowns, but nods and slaps his shell, "Dee?"

Mikey doesn't understand and tilts his head questioningly at the turtle in his lap.

Leo groans and strokes his shell, "Different," he says, making Mikey choke on his own spit at the large word. He wonders how many words Leo knows. Leo hits his shell again, "Dee," he strokes it, "different."

Realisation hits Mikey, "You're talking about Dee's shell," Mikey hits his shell at the last word.

Leo nods and beams.

"Good work," Mikey praises, rubbing Leo's head against, making the slider preen, "You are such a quick learner."

Leo grins again and hits his shell, "Ellll."

Mikey smiles and decides that this is okay. He can worry about Donnie later. For now, it's just him teaching Leo and that's okay.

They Came From Below (Book 1 of They Came From Below)Where stories live. Discover now