the job change quest

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We see ash,eclipse and Lunar in the nearby woods no longer wearing their assassin and mercenary outfit but now wearing some sneakers,black sweat pants with two white strips on the sides and with a gray hoodie,as a purple portal opens as the siblings smirk

Ash:at last

Eclipse:this game

Lunar/ash/eclipse:seems to start for real

They say in unison as they walk into the portal as we cut to seeing Lunar dodge a slash coming from a knight

Lunar:'[vital strike]'

The attack does nothing as she dodges another attack,as we see eclipse attacking another knight

Eclipse:' our attacks aren't dealing damage at all!'

As we see ash also dodging an attack

Ash:'they're not that strong'

Lunar:'It's just that their armor is too thick for our daggers to penetrate'

Eclipse then attacks the knight she was dealing with

Eclipse:'their movements are dull and their attacks don't have much force'

Ash dodges another attack

Ash:'we already have experience against an opponent with armor so thick that our daggers didn't work on it!'

The siblings then put their daggers away as ash grabs his knight's helmet as Lunar and Eclipse prepare to kick their knight's, ash rips the knight's helmet killing it as Lunar and Eclipse kick the knight's heads off killing them,as ash turns to his siblings

Ash:these types of monsters are weak against drawn out battles,can you even call it a monster?

Eclipse:A dull-type monster... it's going to be annoying if more of these guys show up in the future

As the siblings continue on word with ash since he's the tallest holding the torch

Lunar:since we're using a torch instead of our phones flashlights or a luminous stone,it's pretty dark in here

Ashborn:[no shit Sherlock]

Ash:ashborn shut the fuck up

Ashborn:[says the son of a bitch with half of my name]

Eclipse:ashborn nows not the time please

Ashborn:[alright fine,but only because you asked nicely]

He says before going silent as the siblings continue

Ash:anyway,like an instant dungeon,we can't exit until we clear it,so we have to conserve our mana as much as possible

Eclipse:which means we can't use our noble phantasm's which is annoying

Lunar:but the most annoying thing is that damage accumulates

Ash:stealth and vital strike along with our noble phantasm's have good efficiency,but they consume alot of mana,so...

Lunar:if we knew this would happen, we would have put some points into intelligence

Ash:'unknown difficulty '

Eclipse: ' no healing'

Lunar:' no retreat'

Ash/Eclipse/Lunar:'this dungeon is too risky'

Eclipse: This job change quest we can't underestimate it. I don't know how many hours ... no, how many weeks it will take us to clear the quest.

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