The Abduction of Flora Crackshell-Cabrera!

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Flora was walking home from school,not that she mind.She knew different ways home,so she could see different parts of Duckburg,which meant different places to see Fenton protecting the city as Gizmoduck.
But today was different.
Flora was looking around at the sights around her.She's seen them a million times before.But yet,something felt a bit-off today.Flora didn't know what it was.
'Maybe it's my imagination.' thought Flora.
After all,she walked all over Duckburg with nothing bad happening to her!Sure,she's seen crimes being committed by the Beagle Boys,but who hasn't?
Suddenly,strong arms grabbed her from an alleyway.Flora struggled to get away,only for somebody to put a washcloth over her mouth.
"Sleep."said a masculine voice as Flora became unconscious.


Flora woke up.She had no idea where she was,or how she got where she was.All she knew was that she was tied up in a chair.After getting a better look at her surroundings,Flora realized that she was at Waddle headquarters.
'Aw,come on.' thought Flora.She knew that the only person who would kidnap her was Mark Beaks,but she didn't know why.
"Oh,goody,you're awake."said Mark Beaks as he entered the room.
"Why did you kidnap me you freak?"asked Flora.
"Isn't it obvious?You're close to Gizmoduck.Me kidnapping you will guarantee me the Gizmoduck armor."
Flora didn't say anything for a while.
"You have issues."
"I do not!And I'll prove it to you!When I get that armor I'll show you what I can do with it!I'll show you all!"Mark yelled before leaving the room.
"Well,that's....concerning..."said Flora,wondering if she should be worried or not.


Ma'ma Cabrera,and Fenton were reading the hostage note from Mark.

Dear Gizmoduck,

Give me the armor,or your adopted sister dies."

Mark Beaks

"We have to give him the armor!"said Fenton.There was no doubt in his mind that Mark Beaks would follow through on his threat.After all, he did try to kill him once.
"I understand your concern, but we can't."said Ma'ma Cabrera.
"What do you mean we can't? Do you want Flora to die?"
"Of course not!But we don't know if he'll follow through on his threat."
"So what do we do?"
Ma'ma Cabrera thought.Mark Beaks would accept nothing else but the Gizmoduck armor, but there were so many things that could go wrong.Besides the one thing that Ma'ma Cabrera already mentioned,Flora could already be dead.Or Mark Beaks could cause property damage with the armor again.There was also the fact that Fenton needed the armor to protect the city.
Sure,Dr.Gearloose could build another one, but Ma'ma Cabrera had a feeling he wouldn't want to.And even if Dr.Gearloose did,chances are Mark Beaks would want to steal the second armor.But thinking of Dr.Gearloose gave Ma'ma Cabrera an idea.
"I got an idea."Ma'ma Cabrera said.
"What?What is it?"Fenton asked frantically.
"We ask Dr.Gearloose to build a fake Gizmoduck armor."
Fenton just stared at his mother.


Mark Beaks was pacing in his office.He sent the ransom note two hours ago,so why hadn't he gotten a response, yet?
"Okay,does anyone know why Gizmoduck hasn't responded yet?"Mark yelled at his employees.
"Maybe Gizmoduck doesn't want to get caught."suggested an employee.
"It's been two hours Paul!"
"My name's Bob."
Mark ignored him.
"That's it. I'm done. I'm killing her."said Mark,going to his desk to look for a weapon.
"Wait,are you serious?"asked a different employee that wasn't Bob.
"Uh-yeah,that's why I put the death threat in the note!D'oh!"
"We thought that was a bluff!"
"Uh,no!Why would I put a death threat in a ransom note if I didn't mean it?Ugh!Can't find a weapon!Guess I'll have to use my hands.Really going to ruin texting."
"Mr.Beaks,you can't!Think of the consequences!"said Bob.
Mark thought.Thankfully,long enough for Fenton, and Ma'ma Cabrara to arrive.
"Hey Mark Beaks!Here's the Gizmoduck armor!"Fenton yelled at Mark,throwing the fake Gizmoduck armor at Mark.
"Oh,goody! I can not wait to take this baby apart to use it for my own inventions!"said Mark,too excited to realize how light the 'Gizmoduck armor' was.
"Are you forgetting something?"asked Ma'ma Cabrara in an angry voice.
"Yeah,yeah,yeah.She's in there."said Mark,waving them off.
Fenton, and Ma'ma Cabrara ran into the room that Flora was tied up in.
"I can't believe you gave up the Gizmoduck armor!"said Flora when Fenton, and Ma'ma Cabrara was untying her.
"I can't believe he tied you up!"said Fenton angrily.
"Don't worry about it,both of you.We didn't gave Mark Beaks the Gizmoduck armor.It's a fake.It's a fake that's literally going to blow up in his face."said Ma'ma Cabrara before the three of them left Waddle headquarters.


Mark Beaks couldn't believe,at long last,he got the Gizmoduck armor.And all he had to do was kidnap a child.Mark felt like a little kid on Christmas about to open his presents.He was literally jumping up, and down in his chair with excitement.
Mark grabbed a screwdriver to open the chest area of the armor.
That was a mistake.The whole entire armor blew up,destroying his office,his stuff, and most importantly,his phones.
"Auuuggghhhhhh!!!!!" screamed Mark at top of his lungs. "How did this happen?"
One of Mark's employees,Bob,walked into Mark's office to investigate.
"They gave you a fake."said Bob.
Mark preceded to throw a temper tantrum.

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