Chapter 1. The Beginning

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Hello there this is VixenGamingGirl and I just want to inform you that the girl's name is Matsuri Kuroko. Well anyway, i hope you enjoy my story.

Matsuri's POV:

Buzz...Buzz...Buzz...I press the off button to my alarm and groan, Its morning already? I think to myself. I get out of bed and stretch, " Well I guess I better get ready for school" i say to myself. I head to my closet and open the door to see that my uniform isn't in there. Huh, that's strange..I'm sure i put it in here...I continued to search for it but couldn't find it. Then i finally realize that i had left it in the washer overnight. Oh no..what am i going to wear now?As I pondered for a minute there was a knock on my door. Knock..Knock. I walk to my front door to see one of my fellow classmates, Rin Matsuoka. He's was part of a swimming team all the way in Australia, but he came back and joined the Iwatobi Swimming Team at my high school. He doesn't really hang around anybody except when he's around the school pool with his friends. He's a pretty strange one if you ask me. I dont really hang around him that often. But why exactly is he here?

Rin's POV:

I wake up to the sunlight shining on my face, its warmth is so relaxing. I get up and look at my calender, It's been 2 months since I've returned from Australia..and already I'm back up with my old friends from grade school. I let out a slight scoff and turn around and walk to my dresser and open to get my swim trunks. I take off my clothes and put my trunks on first, then I reach into my closet and grab my uniform and put it on over it. I look at my clock, it's already 8:45. I grab my things and walk out the door. As I'm walking down the street I notice somthing in the corner of my eye. Huh?, I squint to see, it was one of my classmates, Matsuri Kuroko. It looks like she looking for something, i think to myself. Kuroko isn't really the brightest girl that you could meet but i have to admit..shes pretty kindhearted at some times..but there's also some times when something of hers just snaps and she a whole other person. Like this one time when i returned from Australia


Teacher: Alright class take out your textbooks and turn to chapter 3, page 263. I took out my textbook and started reading and taking notes. Suddenly, "U-um excuse me teacher I seem to have forgotten my textbook at home." There was a girl behind me that had raised her hand because she had forgotten her book. The teacher does a short sigh and says, "I'm sorry but we don't seem to have any more textbooks at the moment." The girl lets out a sigh as well and sits back down. " Excuse me.." I suddenly hear another voice coming from behind me. I quickly turn around and see a girl standing up and holding out her textbook to the girl. "Here you can borrow mine, I've already gone over this lesson so I don't really need it at the moment." She gave the girl her textbook and then smiled. The other girl smiled, " Thank you so very much Matsuri!" " No problem." Matsuri said when a slight chuckle. I watched in awe as she sat back down and continued working.

~Flashback End~

RIn's POV:

Of course though it was only that time until i realized the other side of Kuroko. A few days later i was walking down the hallway in school....

~ Another Flashback~

I was passing by the student council until... CRASH!!!...I literally jumped out of my swim trunks. What in the world was that??? I though to myself. I open the door slightly to see the student council vice president on the ground sobbing "Please don't hurt me president, I know that i had to get the spray paint off the back of the school but i had forgotten to get to it! PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!!!" I am dumbfounded to look and see that it was Kuroko that had completely flipped over the student council desk! "YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF TO EVEN BE IN THIS SCHOOL!!! WHAT DO YOU THINK THIS IS?? A GANG HANG OUT?? NOW I WANT YOU TO GO OUT THERE RIGHT NOW AND CLEAN THAT MESS UP...OR YOU WON'T SEE THE LIGHT EVER AGAIN!!!". The vice president was absolutely terrified at this point that he bolted up, said "yes ma'am", and rushed out the door like a speeding bullet. I watch him run down the hall and i turn around to see the Kuroko was picking up the desk. Who is this girl?? I had though to myself.

~ Flashback End ~

Back to Rin:

So yeah, that's basically how I came to know Matsuri Kuroko. But she doesn't really know much about me and often tries to avoid me. Oh well.. maybe we can walk to school together. I walk up to her house and knock on the door Knock..Knock..

So this is the end of Chapter 1 of Pool of Embrace. plz tell me what you think of it and give me some suggestions on what i should do next and i will catch you guys later. PEACE!!!

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