Chapter One: Eunjoo 🌺 ~ Raining

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Her flickering eyes could find nothing in darkness, and her ears, nothing but the night's deafening rain. 

Eunjoo quaked, endlessly. 


In her mind it spun and stammered. 

She had always been petrified of the night. 

By the trembling of her hand her cane's tip rolled slick along the flooded sidewalk. She had almost felt the need to remind herself that she could still move - she was small and frail, shaky and numb; her body...felt frozen

Vicious and powerful, the rain continued to lash. The hood of her coat was weak and soaked through, her hair two thick bunches of matted frizz. 

Drops ran down her face in streams, rushing down her cheeks and long nose, her lips dribbling. 

Eunjoo began to frown, and it grew, even until her brow became heavy in pain.   

Her features slowly twisted. 

A headache....

Was it the pelting pressure of the downpour? 


Oh, no...

I want to go home...

My head is pounding. 

Oh, I want to go home...

Eunjoo was an easy crier. 

Her pale lashes felt glued in the rain, but tears welled in her eyes, brimmed and stung, agonisingly.

They spilled slow, then fast, and at once she tasted the saltiness so familiar to her...

She would be an adult soon, but she was still such a baby in how she cried. 

A baby...

Eunjoo lifted her hand and smudged her running nose with her knuckles - snotty, and her lips felt wet too. Everything was icy and red, rosy and ill as her headache brewed. 

For a while, she simply sat there in the freezing night, numb though still trying to squeeze her hands to encourage life to them. 

She sniffed thickly, so thickly that it took a huff to break an inhale of snot.

I'm okay. I'm okay., I'm not...! 

She tried to sigh - to let some sort of release for her fear...

But her sound was a wailing wobble. 

What a crybaby she was...

The rain ceased and light vanished in a breath. 

Eunjoo's head snapped upwards. Her hands flew to shield herself - and like a child to a monster, she even yelped. 

"Please - don't be afraid." 

It spoke - the great shadow which had risen to swallow all above and all around her in darkness. 

Eunjoo was petrified. She was numb, dumbfounded, wide-eyed as she simply...stared. Tears dripped silently from the shine of her parted lips. 

It was a man, by the faint and bleary outline cast by a distant, flickering streetlamp. 

It was a man. 

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