Chapter 5

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Once we all got to the potions classroom, we all sat down in our seats, class started but the weasel said "hey Hadrian, why do you have a kid?" I said "none of your business weasel, you don't need to know everything going on with me, you are not my friend and I don't need to explain myself to you, also did you know I killed your sister, oops" he went as red as his hair and said "how dare you?" I said "what, I had a part in killing her but I didn't actually kill her" then started paying attention to uncle Sev, there was a bucket close by in case Orion needed to throw up, Orion was sleeping but he woke up half way through class and said "Hadwian I need to go the bafroom" I whispered "alright buddy, hang on" I put my hand up and once uncle Sev said "yes Hadrian?" I said "may I please take Orion to the bathroom, sir?" He said "go ahead Hadrian, don't be long tho, I need to talk to you and the others after class" I nodded and said "alright sir" so I got up and walked out of the classroom and went to the boys bathroom, once Orion finished doing his business with the help of me, I helped wash his hands and then we went on our way back to class, but on the way we were cornered by dumb-as-a-door, he said "Hadrian I'm taking your cousin, he needs someone to look after him while he's sick, not a kid who doesn't know what he's doing, who also has homework to do" I said "you take my cousin and I'll unleash both my uncles on you in werewolf form, don't mess with me Dumbledore, you will not like the outcome" he said "are you threatening me?" I said "no sir, definitely not, I'm merely warning you" then I walked off and walked back to uncle Sev's classroom and opened the door and went back to my seat and sat down, once I sat down uncle Sev said "Dumbledore?" I nodded and said "yes, he wanted to take Orion so he could take care of him but I said no in a not so nice way" he nodded and got on with the rest of the class and once class was over, uncle Sev said "alright, your mother is expecting names soon because she wants to put the names on the cribs and she wants to get some clothes to put the names on too" I nodded and said "alright, I'll come up with something and tell her at the next meeting" he nodded and said "alright, just tell me when the next meeting is" I nodded and we all left, Orion was asleep again, I took the bucket with me, we had DADA again, since we had double but we had potions in between I don't wanna go because I have a feeling umbitch is going to take Orion from my arms.

Once we got to the classroom, we all sat down at the back of the class away from umbitch, she told us that we are going back to the basics and I was just like whatever, I'll fuck with her life if she ever does anything to my friends or my mate, anyways she saw me came up to me and said "Hadrian" before she could say anything else I interrupted her and said "to you, it's Mr. Potter, I don't like you and I certainly won't let you use my first name, so to you it's Mr. Potter, got that?" She nodded and said "sorry, Mr. Potter, I was going to say your cousin can't be in my class" I said "excuse me, he's my cousin and if he can't stay in this class then I'm leaving as well" I got up and all my friends and Draco got up as well and said "us too" then we all walked out of the classroom and went to the black lake to just chill there, we sat there through the whole of DADA and once it was time for our next class, we got up and went to it, which was transfiguration, then after that double charms, anyways once we got to transfiguration, we were the only ones there, I said "hi Minnie" she said "hello Hadrian, how's Orion?" I said "he's better, he's been sleeping almost all day but he threw up a few times, I almost lost it on umbridge, since she wanted to give him to Dumbledore and he wanted me to give Orion to him so I could focus on my classes, I almost lost it on Dumbledore too", she nodded and said "understandable" once class started she said "alright, normally I would teach you this in seventh year but we are going to do it earlier, this was originally supposed to be taught in your third year, but I thought it was way too early then, so I'm going to teach you now, we are going to learn how to become Animagi , now can anyone tell me how one becomes an Animagus" I put my hand up and she said "yes Hadrian" I said "to become an Animagus, you have to keep a mandrake leaf in your mouth under your tongue from one full moon to another, then after that you have to put it in a phial that was in the full moons rays, then you would have to make the potion, but you have to recite the incantation which is Amato Animo Animato Animagus daily, once the potion was done you have to drink it during a lightning storm and if it turns red then you have done it correctly and you can drink it but if it's a different colour, you shouldn't drink it, anyways once that's done, then you would be able to see what kind of animal you are in your mind and then you would be able to change at will into your animal whenever you want but it doesn't always work so then you would have to do meditation to get to the point of turning into that animal" Minnie said "correct Hadrian, well done, 50 points to Slytherin, what happens if you swallow or remove the mandrake leaf?" 'Mione put her hand up and Minnie said "yes Hermione?" 'Mione said "the person that either removed the leaf or swallowed it, would have to start again" Minnie said "yes correct, 20 points to Slytherin", once she showed us how she changes into her cat Animagus, she told us everything about Animagi, then once the bell rang everyone left except for me and the others, once it was just us and Minnie, I said "Minnie, since I have four Animagi forms and since I'm very powerful, do you think I would be able to become an Animagus without the potion?" She said "I'm not sure, but I think you should still do the training" I nodded and said "alright, thank you" she said "no problem and here you go" and she gave us all mandrake leaves and said "make sure you keep them in for a month, but don't put them in your mouth until the full moon which is in 2 days" I nodded and said "we will, thank you Minnie" she nodded and said "good luck guys" and winked at us, I smiled and we all left and went to the great hall since it was lunch time for most of the school.

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