2- You'll be at my show

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"Hey Guys, what are you doing here?" I asked Tracey and Ryan. 

The Wilkersons were at a family reunion, and my dad was still home, so I decided to head into town. I was on my way to the local record store, when I ran into Tracey and Ryan. 

"Oh, Hey Madeline." Tracey smiled. "We were just gonna grab milkshakes, wanna come?" 

"Sure." I smiled, and together we walked into the diner. The waitress took us to a booth, and we all sat down - Tracey and I on the same side, facing Ryan. 

"Oh! Guess what?" Tracey exclaimed excitedly. 

"What?" I asked excitedly as well. 

"I just got the coolest new guitar!" 

"No way, you play guitar?" I asked her. 

"Yeah! Well, bass to be specific. And Ryan plays the drums!" 

Ryan nodded shyly. 

"That's so cool! I play too!" I think I was getting a little too excited about this. 

"No way!" Tracey exclaimed. "Six string?" 

I nodded excitedly. 

"We could totally start a band." Tracey said. 

The waitress came back before any of us could say anything else and took our orders. 

"We totally could!" I said after she left.

"Ryan?" Tracey asked him, waiting for his input. 

He shrugged, but nodded. "We could." He said quietly. 

"That's it!" She exclaimed happily. "Are you free tonight?"

I nodded. The Wilkerson's would be back tomorrow, and my dad was still home. So anywhere but home would be good. 

"Good! Bring your guitar." 

We got our milkshakes, and drank them excitedly. We spent the next hour or so at the record store, talking about our favourite bands and songs. I didn't end up buying any new Cd's, but it was fun to look around. 

That evening I headed over to Tracey's house. It wasn't that far from mine, but I still took my bike. My guitar in its case on my back. 

When I got to her house, I saw that her garage was open, and she was helping Ryan to set up his drum kit. 

"Hey!" I said excitedly, and got off my bike. 

"Hi Madi" 

"Do you need help with anything?" I asked them, stepping into the garage. 

"Nope. I think I- AHA" she cheered. "I got it." 

Ryan thanked her, and got ready. Tracey then grabbed two amps and brought one to me. 

"Thanks." I told her, and got my guitar out of the case. 

Her bass was a dark green. It was really nice. 

"Cool guitar." She said. 

"Thanks." I giggled. "yours is really nice." 

"Thanks." She laughed, "What songs do you know how to play?" 

"Um, blink, a little green day, um... ACDC?" I shrugged. 

"Oh I love Blink, let's do that." She said giddily. "Ryan?" She turned to him.

"Yeah, yeah, I think I can do that." He nodded. 

"Good, All the small things?" she asked. 

"Yeah, I can do that." 

"can you sing?" 

I froze. I mean, I could sing, but never in front of others. 

"It's okay if you're not comfortable." She quickly said. 

"No, no, It's okay. I can sing." I told her. They were my friends, it was okay. 


"Reese, Guess what?" I exclaimed, bursting into his room through the open window. 

The Wilkerson's came home this evening, and I was bursting with excitement. I couldn't wait to tell him all about last night, and hear how their trip was. 

"Jeez mads." Malcolm exclaimed from his desk. "I just had a heart attack."

"Sorry M." I smiled sheepishly and stood in front of the window I just climbed through. 

"Was that Mads?" Reese exclaimed, rushing out of the bathroom, a toothbrush hanging from his mouth. 

"Hi Reese." I giggled at his reaction. 

"Thank God you're here, yesterday was torture." He said and walked back into the bathroom to finish brushing his teeth.

"was it really that bad?" I asked them with a laugh.

"Oh yeah, you should see the way they treat mom" Malcolm said.

"yeah, and guess what." Reese said excitedly, coming out of the bathroom.

"what?" I asked and plopped down on his bed.

"We drove a golf cart into the pool."

"Seriously?!" I exclaimed. "Aw, I wish I was there. That would've been so cool!"

"It was awesome." He said and plopped down beside me. "What did you wanna tell me?"

"Oh yeah!" I nearly forgot. " I started a band!"

"A band?" Malcolm asked, turning around in his chair.

"Awesome." Reese said.

"Yeah a band."

"with who?" Malcolm asked.

"Two kids from my music class, Tracey and Ryan."

"Never heard of them." He said and turned back around.

"Well that's because you have no friends." I said and Reese laughed.


Sorry this chapter took so long, and it was so short. I don't really know what to write about yet, so feel free to share any ideas. :) 

Teenage Dirtbag - Reese WilkersonWhere stories live. Discover now