4 - Here's your holiday

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"Hey Madi" Tracey ran up to my locker where I was putting my books away. "You going to the dance tonight?"

"I'm not sure." I shrugged. " I don't have a date."

"Pssh, You don't need a date." She waved her hand. " Ryan and I are going, you should think about it."

"Maybe." I glanced over at Reese and Malcolm who were headbutting over some shirt. Idiots.

"Hey I was thinking." Tracey said, bringing my attention back to her. "Maybe if we practice a bit more, I would have to talk to Ms. Lewis first, and Ryan of course, sorry i'm rambling aren't i?"

I laughed. " A little bit, but continue."

She smiled and went on excitedly. "Anyway, I was thinking maybe we could play at the next school dance. Live music is way better than recordings, we could even get requests from the students."

playing live? I gaped. Playing in front of Tracey and Ryan was fine, but the whole school. I don't know if I can do that. What if i mess up? What if they think I suck?

"I can see you thinking, so before you panic, let me tell you something." She put her arm on my shoulder. "You, Madi, are one of the most talented people I have ever met. You have an amazing voice, and you are ridiculously good at the guitar. If we were to do it, it wouldn't be for a few more months so we'd have lot's of time to practice, so don't worry about messing up."

I smiled gratefully. "Thank you, I think it's a great idea. Just let me think about it."
She nodded and patted my shoulder before walking away.


"Hey losers." I said, walking up to Malcolm and Reese with a smile. They were talking with Allison about their favourite type of french fries. 

"Which do you like better, curly or straight fries?" Malcolm asked me. 

"hm...curly." They nodded, agreeing with me. 

"See i knew it! you totally owe me a buck Malcolm." Reese cheered, pointing his finger in Malcolm's face. 

"What about Cajun curly fries?" He asked, holding his money away from Reese.

"I completely forgot about those. Those are my favourite." Alison decided. 

"Mine too." Reese sighed and handed his dollar to Malcolm.  "Why can't they make more food's curly?" He turned to me. 

"I don't know." I laughed. "Wanna dance?" I stuck out my hand. He grabbed it and we headed to the dance floor, leaving Malcolm and Alison. 

Some up beat rock song was blasting through the speakers as he spun me around in a circle. I laughed and regained my footing as the song came to an end. A slower song came on, so we decided to get a drink. 

"Hey, are you worried about Malcolm at all?" I poured the punch into a cup, looking at Reese slightly. 

He thought about it for a second and then shook his head. "nope." 

"You don't think he's been acting strange or anything?" I took a sip of my drink and looked out the window. 

"well, now that I think about it. He has been less annoying."

"look, there he is!" I pointed out the window to where he was walking with Alison. A pack of beer in his hand.  "Is that Stevie?"

Teenage Dirtbag - Reese WilkersonWhere stories live. Discover now