An Invitation

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In a nearby alleyway nothing seems to be suspicious until a scream can be heard, a robbery is taking place as three masked men point their quirks at a couple that was minding their own business

"GIVE US EVERYTHING YOU GOT" one of them said

"We don't want any trouble, just give us what we want okay?" the other one said with a smile plastered wide across his face

"Please, don't hurt us" the man said while holding his girlfriend tightly in a protective way

"Here that's everything we have" Giving them the money they want

"Bullshit!!!, we know you have more than that sorry amount" One of them said as he points his gun quirk toward the girlfriend

"Give us what we want or it lights out for this pretty face"

"Enough" A voice from behind says as hands from a void grabs two of the three robbers head and bash them toward each other knocking them out for the meantime.

He wore all black from head to toes, he wore a fedora hat and a large trench coat, he has a mask made out of cloth that covers the entirety of his head and goggles to see from, under his trench coat is a bullet proof vest with a utility belt around his waist.

"What the hell!?" the one still awake says as he tries to run away but falls to the void only to reappear a couple of meters above the ground making him fall and go unconscious.

"I believe this belongs to both of you" The man that wears all black said to the couple as he gives them their belongings he then rounds up the would be robbers and tied them up

"You should call the cops, to tell them what happened here" he said as he prepared to leave they asked what his name was and his response was "Void" that was his last words said as he enters a portal and pops up in another place of town.

He lights a cigarette and sits on the edge of a rooftop, opening the newspaper, Japan became a safer place though one thing still bugs him to this day, the fact that the League of Villains are still around.

"Finally they arrived" He watched as the police and a hero arrived at the scenes of where he had been earlier, he then decides to move locations, jumping from building to building he looks checks every alleyway he jumps across just in case a crime is happening

All of a sudden a spiral of energy lands in front of him almost hitting him though he dodged at the last minute, that attack could have incapacitated him if it landed on his body thankfully he dodged that attack and looked up to see who had attacked him.

"Oops... I missed" a woman in a blue hero suit with spirals in her hands for design, she looked at the vigilante that was in front of her.

"I hope I was not causing any trouble to you" He said.

"Oh no no no, you haven't caused any trouble" She says with a smile on her face.

"Morally no, legally yes"

"What do you want?" He asked her.

"Ryukyu invites you to a meeting tomorrow morning. This is not a trap, we will not stab you in the back. She just wants to talk with you about matters which align to your interests" She responded back to him.

Atop the rooftop, a gentle breeze danced through the air, carrying with it the scent of distant flowers and the faint murmur of city life below. Silhouetted against the radiant backdrop, the jagged outlines of skyscrapers stood in stark contrast to the soft, ethereal glow of the setting sun. As the last rays of light melted into the horizon, the city was bathed in a warm, amber glow, a fleeting moment of serenity amidst the chaos of urban existence. And as darkness descended upon the world below, those lucky enough to witness the spectacle felt a sense of awe and wonder at the beauty of the natural world, a reminder that even in the heart of the concrete jungle, moments of transcendent beauty could still be found.

"So... Do you accept Ryukyu's invitation Void"

"Sure I'll attend"

"We'll be expecting you" She smiled at him as she floated away.

He tips his fedora to her before leaving, as they part their ways.

"The sunset never fails to amaze me"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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