Parrrrrtttttt 1!!!!!!

887 10 1

Seth's POV:
I'm pretty popular at the school I attend to and I crave the fame they give me.... Once I make it to school there where already some of the humans standing there waiting to greet me.. there where like ten humans in my school but I wanted 30 humans but they sad no cause I could kill them.. and that is true because I will kill them if they won't do it right.. so we have had 5 humans replaced already because I killed the people before them... as I walk in I see the other humans at my locker opening it up for me to get my stuff out.. I glare at one of them for a moment cause something was wrong.. "Which one of you imbeciles are responsible for this!!" I point in my locker to show them that the work that I was assigned was not complete Nor right.. "I-It was me sir.." One of the humans raise their hand... and I always carry a big bag of sand I carry it around so I could use it when I like... So I could use my power when I like so this is the time when I use it.. Just as I was raising my hand I felt someone grab it and I already knew who it was.. "Anubis..." I turn Around and glare at him.. "let me GO" he was still holding it tightly so I turned myself into sand and then came back up right in front of the person who in corrected my work... "DIE" I slice the neck of that human and soon after that I laughed my butt of... " HAHAHAHA YOU SHOULD'VE SEEN THEIR FCE AHAHAHA" No one was laugh with me so I glared at them "HAHHAAHAHAHAJAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAH" they all started laughing like their life depended on it which it did... So later I felt Anubis grab my hand and forced me to go to class... "Ugh.." I could never tell Anubis I hated him because he was my favorite cousin... soon after we made it ten minutes late for class I took my seat in between both my cousins cause I felt more comfortable with them but I could feel their glares so I called some humans to make a wall for me so they would stop starring at me soon later I told the humans to go tell the other humans to make me a snack and while we where still in class I played with sand "seems like your having fun Seth.." I looked up at the teacher and felt eyes on me... "You.. DARE HUMILIATE ME?!" I slammed the desk and made a fist out of sand and hit the teacher.. "SETH OFFICE....NOW" I glared at him for a quick moment and left "I don't wanna be in this stupid class anyway.." I heard laughing that sounded familiar from everything I did something... I smirk while listening to Ra's laughter. While i'm In the principals office I noticed that he was human so I easily threatened him and got way with the I felt someone sneaking up on me it was sekhmet she always try's to pull of my helmet or hat but I never done it infront of no one and once again she failed "Ugh what do you want cat brain??" "I want to your face" I glared at her for a moment "no way in hell I would never let you do it.." we heard the bell ring for lunch so we went ahead and went to lunch...

Your my cousin.....we are Not Lovers Dumbass (Horus X Seth:Ennead)Where stories live. Discover now