Letter 01: Andros and Dear Karone

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Dear Karone,

Why am I so scared when I have so little left to lose?

You're gone now. I lost you. I failed you, Karone. I know you're gone. You're gone. That's all I can think of. You're gone, you're dead, I failed you. I'm so, so sorry. I'm such a failure. You didn't deserve to die. It should have been me.

But it wasn't me. I may have lost you, I may have failed you, but there is one last kindness I can do you.

Don't worry, Karone. I won't let him get away with what he did to you. I will end Darkonda.

And then we can sleep easy.

We dreamed of being Power Rangers, Karone. You never got the chance, but I did. I'll do this for the both of us.

I'm so, so sorry, Karone. For everything.

I think I'm losing my mind.


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