Goodmorning New Jerseyyyyy!!

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"Okay, I got the schedule right here, cuddy sent me the badges, bags are packed, aaaand.. what are you doing?" House was sitting on the couch wrapped in a blanket with a large cup of coffee and I'm gonna assume he's not wearing clothes underneath. "I'm not going." He mumbles and sips at the drink. What?! "Oh please, house you promised!" I don't even attempt to keep the disappointment from my voice. "I don't want to go, too flashy, too loud, too many people. I'll just stay home and you can take Chase, or Cameron. Whatever floats your boat." I sigh and fall onto the couch next to my friend. "Okay, what if you wear earplugs? We won't go to any vendor booths, just the seminars." House shrugs. "Maybe, not the earplugs though. I don't want people thinking..." he pauses for a moment and sips his coffee. "Okay, fine. I'll pack." I smile and have a strange urge to hug him but knowing House it would be a struggle so I leave it at a smile. "I already packed your bag, all we gotta do is leave." House grins appreciatively and sighs. "Alright. I'll get dressed."  If only people could see this happier, laid back House. Oh well. "I laid your clothes out on the night table!" I yell after him and recieve a thumbs up in return. "And shave!"

   Once the car is packed up we climb into the vehicle and House turns the radio station to jazz, leaning back and taking in a deep breath. As long as he's relaxed, you do not wanna see a panicked House. We drive in silence for a while and house is snoring away. "So, what are you hiding?" The man in the passenger seat says without opening his eyes startling me. "Goodness House!!" I clutch my chest with one hand dramatically. "And nothing, why would you think I'm hiding something?" I knew I shouldn't be acting concerned cause that's just even more suspicious. "Hm.. okay." House never drops things this easily but I decide not to question it. "We'll be there in about 30 minuets then we can check in." House sighs and kicks his feet up on the dashboard. "Okayyy, well at least we get to spend a weekend together." He monotones. "Yeah. We're almost there."
      Suddenly, I  jerk the steering wheel hard to the side as a stray car pulls into our lane, the vehicle doesn't stop and speeds into a tree with a bang, the sound of metal crumpling and glass shattering is all that's heard. House freezes and his breathing becomes shaky. After a while he says, "Wilson, call an ambulance. I'll check on the driver." I pull out my cellphone, dial 911, and switch the hazard lights on. "Hello, yes there was an accident on I-78. No, I'm not hurt," I slam the door open and run toward the car with a crumpled hood and shattered windsheild. "The driver seems to be around 19 or 20. Possible skull fracture and glass shards embedded in her chest, she's lost about a litre of blood." I almost shout into the phone. The woman on the line breathes out. "Is the driver concious?"  "Wilson! Get over here!" House shouts. The line clicks off and I rush down to meet the inherent doctor. "Hey kid, what's your name?" House says, removing the glass slowly from her frail body. "Huh..? Is... Harri." She mumbles and coughs up about a teaspoon of blood. "Harri, you had an accident. Try to stay awake." The girl coughs once more. As I get closer i can see the brachial artery has been severed. "Wilson, I need your sewing kit, a towel, and that emergency whiskey bottle I brought, for, emergencies only." I run off to the car and return quickly with the items in hand.  "She's lost about a pint of blood, her pulse is weak and her face looks blue, she'll go into shock soon if we can't stop the bleed." He taps his hands on his chest then stares intensely at me. "What do you need from me?" I ask. "Apply pressure just above the artery." House commands. He taps Harri's face and says loudly, "Harri, I'm gonna stich you up, you have a very deep wound and will die if we don't close it." House says softly. He grabs the kit and tears the teens sleeve completely off, pouring the whiskey onto the wounds. She lets out a soft cry. "What I'm going to do is tie the artery  off, and then I'm going to stich you up, I'd give you something to numb the pain but your bleeding too much already. This is gonna hurt." She winces at that.  House ties off the blood spurting artery and quickly moves on to prep the needle.  "Okay, you'll feel a pinch."  House carefully and quickly jabs the needle into the injury and tugs it back through. The girl grunts a bit. "W-whats your na-ahhh-me!?" She groans out, pointing at House with a shaky finger. "Is it relevant?" He ties off the stitches and wipes off the site with the towel. "Your probably going to get an infection." House informs. "Good thing your going to a hospital." He sits down next to the girl and eyes the wounds suspiciously. "The ambulance should be here soon." House says softly, looking down the road. As if on cue, the sound of sirens fill the air and Harri let's out a relieved sigh. "So, why'd ya crash? We're you high, did your brakes give out?" He questions with a smirk. "House!!" I scold. "Wilson!" He retorts. "Um.." the kid starts with a cough. "I passed out on the road and right before, my foot wouldn't come off the gas, hence the speeding. Wait.. I'm sorry, I didn't hit you did i?" She questions, suddenly concerned. "No." The doctor says softly. Her blinking slows down so I place two fingers on her neck. "Just checking." The ambulance pulls in and three EMT's rush out with a gurney. "TAKE HER TO PRINCETON PLAINSBOUROUGH!!" House calls out to the EMT's and shakily stands to his feet. "Well Wilson, duty calls." House turns to get on the emergency vehicle. "Alright, go with her. But you will be coming to this conference. No getting out of it." I say, feeling slightly guilty as they wheel away the injured teenager. "Alright, mom. I'll be back."
At that we drive off in two different directions, the reality of what just happened not seeming to phase either one.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2022 ⏰

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