The movie

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One evening tommy says "let's watch the lorax!" For the server movie night. Dream puts the movie in and everyone starts watching it. The moment the onceler is shown you start blushing, tommy noticed this and whispers "so you like the onceler, huh" in response you whisper "be quiet, and shut up" "but they are the same thing" he whispers back "then do both" you whisper "fine" he whispers back. For the rest of the movie tommys mouth is shut, at the end tommy yells "FRIEND LIKES THE ONCELER!!" you get up and take your shoe off and start running after tommy. You catch up to him then you start beating him to death. (harder then Phill's belt, back to the story) everyone says "ooooooooo" while tommy yells in pain. "TELL. ANY. MORE. SECRETS. AND. I. WILL. LET. C!DREAM. KILL. YOU. AGAIN.", Tommy says while crying "Im sorry!"

Tommy Is Your Brother Au (You Also Simp For The Onceler)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя