Chapter 14: I can't

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Sarah POV
I woke up the next morning feeling satisfied. I had No nightmares so I had a full nights rest. Mark seemed to be up before me, getting out of bed and walking to the kitchen I found a note on the fridge.

Note: I didn't want to wake you, so I went to go hang out with the guys. I also got you some coffee. Love you. <3

I smiled , he knew me and my love for coffee so Well. I grabed my coffee and sat on the couch to watch some TV. I like having my alone time but it felt weird not having Mark around.

I touched the necklace that laid perfectly on my chest. All that he had done for me seemed to much. I haven't even told him everything. He just knows that I have been hurt in the past but it was more than just that. I needed to tell him but how would he take it? Would he accept it or would he break up with me? The possiblites were endless.

One part of me regrets not leaving in the first place, I knew that Mark being with me puts him in a lot of danger. The other half knows that I love Mark and I don't want to leave at all.

I needed to tell Mark and I was going to tell him ask soon has he got home.

*time skip*

Mark had came through the door. I was able to compose on how I was going to tell Mark.

" How is my beautiful girlipler today?" He asked taking a seat next to me.

" Kinda lonely. It's weird not having to here sometimes." I replied.

"Are you worried that a crazy butt stabber will get you?" He joked.

"No I'm more worried about Darkiplier getting me." I playfully replied.

Mark laughed and pulled me into a kiss. The kiss got a little heated because soon Mark was kissing down my neck began to move his hands around my body. This was all so memerizing I forgot what I was even going to say.

The make out session started to get more heated for Mark started to put his hands up my shirt. We both laid down on the couch and Mark started to undo my clothes. Then the flashbacks and the nightmares came flowing through.

"MARK Stop! I can't!" I scremed, pushing him off and away from me.

I curled up into a ball and scotted to the far end of the couch and rocked myself. I looked up at Mark with tears in my eyes. He did seem mad but concerned for me. He deserved Nothing but an explanation for my behavior.

"I'm sorry Mark," I started to say, " I'm just not ready," I continued.

Mark stayed slilent because he knew I had more to say. I Uncurled myself a scotted back to Mark. I looked down and took a deep breath and sighed," When I was younger Mark, I was raped by my eldest brother Chris." I looked up at Mark to see his face covered in shock,"My parents never knew that I was raped for my mother died when I was 16. Has for my dad he never cared and he died When I graduated college." I continued.

I didn't realized that has I was telling Mark all this tears were just rolling down my face. Mark hugged me," I'm so sorry Sarah." He said softly," At least you don't have to see him anymore."
" That is were you are wrong....." I said.

" What do you mean?" He asked with concern.

" He sill thinks he can controll me and he Is after me right now looking for me. " I said showing the text Chris had sent me.

Mark just gave me a blank stare. " I'm sorry Mark........" My voice trailed off has a started to curl up again and sob. I felt Mark put his arms around me and pulled me close to him.

"Sarah this isn't going to scare me away. This want me to help you and protect you. So from now on I'm never letting you leave my side." He said.

His voice was certain so I didn't protest. Instead I nodded and kissed him." I love you Mark." I said.

"I love you too." He smiled.

For this moment things seemed that they were going to be alright but I knew deep down that this was only the beginning of Chris wrath.

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