Captured by the Orc

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Orc (Orcs):

(in fantasy literature and games) a member of an imaginary race of humanlike creatures, characterized as ugly, warlike, and malevolent.

Elf (Elves):

a supernatural creature of folk tales, typically represented as a small, delicate, elusive figure in human form with pointed ears, magical powers, and a capricious nature.

It was forbidden for an elven girl to have an orgasm before marriage. Ella knew this, but she still pleasured herself. She didn't care when she got banned to the borders after she got caught orgasming, and she didn't care now.

Ella sat in her tiny bedroom in her small one-story house. She was aroused and couldn't help but touch herself, her pointer finger teasing her clit. Today was a stressful day for her, she had tried getting a job at the fields, but after her banishment, no one wanted to hire her. She had to find a job; her resources were getting low. If she didn't get some income soon, she'd have to hunt and collect her recourses in the woods, the very dangerous woods.

Terrible creatures roamed them, some killed elves on sight. No female elves dared to go inside the woods, the ones who did never returned.

Ella always relieved her stress with an orgasm, she never had anything inside her, not even her finger, but she always rubbed her clit. Her clit was really sensitive, most of the time she'd cum after a minute, but today, her stress was too much. She could barely focus on circling her clit.

She groaned as she couldn't reach her peak, dropping her hand from her throbbing nub. She stood from her bed and got dressed. Since she was soaking wet, she just put on a dress with nothing under it. She went out her front door and went looking for a job.

A week later, still with no job and continuously wet, Ella saw no other option to hunt for her food. So, armed with bow and arrow, she stepped into the woods.

Along her way in the woods, Ella found a few edible berries which she put in her pockets to store. Finally, after what seemed like hours, she saw fur between a few bushes. She didn't have a clear view, but she assumed it was a deer.

She readied her bow and shot.

The deer let out a loud roar when it got hit. Ella's bow fell out of her hands when it turned towards her. It wasn't a deer at all. It was an orc dressed in furs on its back.

The orc, definitely male, his loincloth being the only thing covering his front, stormed towards her. Ella dashed away like a deer jumping over bushes and logs.

She could hear him getting closer as he broke through everything in his path. She was scared, but running from such big male also made her more aroused. She was running slower than normal, her continued arousal without release made her legs tremble in exhaustion.

It was silent behind her; she could no longer hear the orc's wide strides. She stopped and looked around her. She had ended up in a clearing, soft grass covering it.

As she looked around, she realized she was lost. She couldn't remember which way her home was and retreating her steps the way she just came wasn't an option.

She turned around once more and was faced with a hard, green stomach. She tried to run but the orc grabbed her arm before she could.

He growled at her. "You're going to pay for shooting me!" He roughly threw her on the ground.

"I..I thought you were a deer!" She shouted just as loud right after she hit the ground with her butt. She winced, that would certainly bruise.

"Do I look like a deer to you?!" He growled in her face, towering over her.

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