Chapter one

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Bouncing on the balls of my feet, l waited impatiently for my curtain call. I was the only wolf dancing tonight, the others were out celebrating the fact that Carly had been claimed and finally found her mate and it was the night before the full moon. Most wolves wouldn't be out extending any unnecessary energy. But l wasn't like most Wolves l knew and the usual crowd didn't seem to be interested in me past my dancing ability.
The guys that were out tonight were off limits to me. When I started at the star-kissed lounge, my parents made it crystal clear that I was only to fool around with other wolves. It was incredibly rare for a cross species mating to take place and be successful, humans could and did get it on with most of us but they didn't stick around for too long.
I sent a silent prayer up to the moon Goddess like I did before every performance, usually praying that I didn't fall flat on my face, but this time something felt different. There was normally some kind of funky lighting but l swear the strobe lights that Sasha had chosen were streaking across the curtain in time with my pulse. I was the last girl out on stage tonight and it wouldn't be long. I was used to Sasha's routine that I almost missed the new addition. Unlike most strip clubs in the city, we were given full control of our routines.
Sasha swung her hips and her full breasts in time with her bouncy music as she made her way into the waiting audience. I turned away before I saw more of her than l ever wanted to, the lucky fellow she had chosen to warm her bed was getting an amazing lapdance and in star-kissed there were no rules about touching.
Because Sasha was otherwise occupied my dance started a little bit sooner than I was expecting. Luckily my routine was simple enough and the tribal beat of the drums always got my blood pumping. I had been taking pole dancing classes since the tender age of 16 when most wolves start looking at mating and seduction. The mating bonds tend to start forming at 18 but there wasn't really a hard and fast rule about mating. My parents met shortly after their 17th birthdays but my older sister was in her 30s when she found her mate.
When I dance I allow the wolf within me to have a bit of fun, my smile hides sharp fangs and my eyes take on a bit of a more yellow tint. I never wear shoes when I dance and only my important bits are covered, the sparkly purple bikini doesn't leave a lot to the imagination but the cool metal pole feels so good against my overheated skin. The closer it gets to the full moon the more sexually frustrated I and many other unmated Wolves get. My performance was less of a dance and more of a barely concealed attempt to dry hump the pole. Caught up in the throes of my own passion l side up and down the pole, trying to ease that wet heat at the apex of my thighs.
The music and beat builds to the crescendo and as my show stopper l hooked my knee around the stick metal, curling around myself and spinning down the pole. I used the spinning motion to hide the fact that I was wetter than the rainforest in the middle of the rainy season. Just a shame that my love life involved just my fingers and some imagination.
I stood center stage to take my bow, chest heaving and skin glistening under the low light, when l felt the unmistakable weight of a lust-filled gaze, rest upon my ample figure. Before the curtain closed l strained to see the owner of that hot and heavy gaze.
"Well, well. What a performance from our own little wolf! I don't think I'm the only one who got a bit hot under the collar there. If you would like a dance with any of the girls you've seen tonight pop up to the box office and I'll see what I can do!" The stage manager that night was Brent.
Funnily enough Brent used to be a regular punter in the club until he met his shifter mate and now he works here. A lot of the male staff are in the same boat, they met their mates at the club and now they protect the single girls. We have so much protection that no-one would dare argue or pressure us to do something against our wills. Sometimes I wondered if I was too protected and that's why no one was interested in me.
Brent continued to talk, reminding the regulars of the rules of the club and the preferences of the girls. In my case I think that didn't help with my lack of action but until l was mated l was supposed to answer to my father or my pack Alpha. Luckily, my father was fairly progressive, not every father would allow their little girl to parade around mostly naked in order to get a mate. I had rules about what I could do but a younger wolf I knew was a lot more restricted than l was.
I have no idea how I managed to get back to the dressing room I shared with Sasha when all l could think about was that hot and heavy gaze. I'd never felt anything like that before. Sasha spoke about it a lot. She was sexy and she used it as a weapon, her Alpha was rumoured to be thinking about just renting her as a breeder.
"Oh Sky! You have a gentleman caller!" Brent called through the thin wooden door. "And n Sasha has her regulars to take care of. Don't worry about your dad, I'll speak to him."
I quickly threw on my soft dressing gown and opened the door. Brent was an average looking guy, early thirties with a rugged charm about him and soft brown eyes that held a strange mix of pride and something a bit apprehensive.
"Sky, I have no idea how you managed it. Your little show out there has attracted fans in high places." Brent explained, opening the door wider to show his companion.
The man didn't seem like the usual type to visit what was essentially a high class brothel, for starters, he was older. There was streaks of grey in his close cropped hair and he was overly dressed. I mean who wears a three piece suit to get fucked in? I sniffed up out of habit and frowned, this man was human. Rather than declining outright, after all Brent knew my dads rules better than I died at this point, I decided to hear them out.
"My dear girl," the older man cleared his throat somewhat nervously."I represent a group of very and important men who are all interested in getting to know you," he held up a hand to stop me before l opened my mouth. "I can't tell you who these men are, they worry that their reputations stop people from getting to know them. All l can say is that if you accept you will be treated well, l have an invitation to give you if you accept."
"Can you guarantee my client's safety?" Brent answered, using the bouncer voice all the guys get coached on.
The man hesitated for a heartbeat before answering slowly,"my dear, you'll be going into the wolf den."
That should have scared me but honestly, it just excited me. It wasn't unusual for wolves of power, wealth or influence to use go-betweens once they'd spotted a girl but weren't sure if she was his mate. I had a feeling that this was going to be one of those cases, it had happened to me before with some degree of success. No mating but I did get to have some under the sheets over the bra action.
"Can l ask the interested party's name?"
The man shook his head slightly, "My clients have requested they remain anonymous for now. If you accept the offer l have been instructed to give you a certain coveted invitation and if any of my clients are your fated they will reveal themselves to you."
I could almost feel Brent's excited doggy breath on my neck, he was almost drooling and I could tell that he was thinking of the popularity and advertising the club would get. Of course I was going to say yes. The man dipped his head in acknowledgment and handed over a black envelope.
My eyes must have been the size of dinner plates when l was finally able to calm down enough to take in the details of what just happened. l had just been invited to the black mask ball the night after the full moon.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Aug 12, 2022 ⏰

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