Lost Lamb (Unknown X Reader)

37 8 1

Yandere, kidnapping, possessiveness

Background: After being lead to Rika'a appartment, Unknown didn't stop messaging you.

Word Count: 2341


Unknown: It'll be really fun from now on. Enjoy your time with everyone. I'll go get you soon

Y/n: Who the hell are you? You hacked me into some private messenger app?

Unknown: I guess I left a few details out

Y/n: I should call the police..!

Unknown: That wouldn't do any good, I'd just wipe every trace of me and this messenger from your phone

Unknown: I'd prefer you just continue to cooperate

Y/n: What did I just get pulled into...this can't be real

Unknown: Yes, I'm sure you're surprised. But you did get yourself into this

Unknown: I hope you'll stick around a while. Just have fun, and plan a party. There's nothing to be nervous about :)


Unknown: Hi there

Y/n: Oh, you're back

Unknown: I never left. I've been watching your interactions with the RFA members. You seem to be having fun

Y/n: Yeah, I guess I made some new friends

Unknown: See? I told you, there's nothing for you to worry about :)

Unknown: But promise me you won't have too much fun with them, they're not as kind as they act. So...don't trust them. I'm looking out for you when I say this

Unknown: But, if you want to trust someone, I suggest trusting me. Just like you did on the day we met :)

Y/n: That's easier said than done. You completely lied about yourself that day

Unknown: I had to, to get you to where you are now

Unknown: But if you don't like that, I'll keep that in mind. I won't lie to you again

Y/n: Then tell me what this is all about?

Unknown: Hm...I said I won't lie, but that's something I can't tell you the truth about quite yet

Unknown: It's a surprise :)

Y/n: ;;; That's so suspicious...

Unknown: I'd say "exciting" is a more appropriate word, don't you think?

Y/n: (doesn't answer)

Unknown: Hello? Y/n? I can see you talking in the chat. Why aren't you answering me?

Y/n: I didn't realize you wanted to keep talking. You didn't really bring up a topic or anything

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