Chapter 13: We Got Him!

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"What's your name?"

Three words scribbled on a sheet of paper in my wannabe clean handwriting that were directed towards the admirer.

"Still fantasizing future with the idiot you'll never find out about?" Jake said with a sarcastic smirk which looked akin to a sneer. He was holding a book and leaning next to my locker, pretending to be interested in it.

I scowled, "I'm not fantasizing anything."

He snorted, "Your face tells." He began walking off.

"Wait!" I walked quickly to catch up with him, "You're my ride home today."

"Why? You don't know what the idiot's car look like?"

"Jason's not an idiot." I defended, "Well maybe sometimes." I said remembering the prank he pulled on me for waking him up so early the day before.

Jake rolled his eyes walking forward. I groaned, "Jake, we talked about this!"

He looked at me dead in the eyes. If looks could kill... well, I'd still be alive. "Yes Joanne, yes we did. Then why are you still talking to that idiot?"

"I... he's not..." I stuttered under his scrutinizing gaze. He always made me feel like a child. And I always looked for a distraction at times like these.

And this time my distraction was Locker 261. Which was sure to piss Jake off, but I never said I wasn't dumb.

"Hold on." I said, walking up and jumping in my steps, to walk faster, towards the locker and slipping in the letter. Turning around I saw him walking forward, shaking his head and muttering words under his breath.


I ran to catch up with him, "Stop fighting over silly letters!" I hissed at him.

"No one's fighting." He sighed.

I snorted, "Yeah. One of us is just being stupid."

"So you realized." I narrowed my eyes at him which he ignored.

"Stop giving me three worded replies!" I shouted, still trying to keep up with his pace, which gradually kept increasing adding in his long legs.

"You deserve them." He said narrowing his eyes at me.

"I do not! Jake! Seriously!" I said frustrated with his attitude, grabbing his arm.

"What?" He said nonchalantly.

"Stop this!" I literally whined.

"Sure." He said, in a clipped tone.

Sure. Sure. Not three, but one word is fine. I rolled my eyes. "Fine, you know what? Be that way." I said, frustrated by his attitude, letting go of his arm.

"Okay." He replied yet again.


"Amazing." I stopped in my tracks with him still walking further. I groaned loudly, making sure he heard it, before making my way back. Only when I turned around, astonishment froze me at my spot.

I should have moved, run from my spot and jumped on him so he wouldn't run away but I could only stand there dumbfounded, letting my mind slowly process just what was happening in front of my very eyes.

Was that my locker?

No. Freaking. Way.

I was wasting seconds. Before thinking I shouted out, "Hey!" Before running off at the direction of a dark blue cloth which just passed by my locker, slipping something in.

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