Chapter 7: The Wait.

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"Hi dad!" I cheered through the device.

"Hey darlin'. How has my little girl been?" He replied, smiling through the screen.

Mom, Jason and I were sat in the living room talking to dad on skype as per night's routine.

After I had returned from the party with Jake and Anne yesterday I had went straight to sleep.

I was woken up by continuous calls and texts from Hailey asking if I was able to listen to her fangirl over Matt, to which I said no and she threatened to continue anyway, so I turned my phone off.

Bad Idea.

Just minutes after that my sleep was interrupted by the house bell ringing thanks to Anne. Who was forced by Hailey to listen to her the same was I was. And Anne made Hailey come to my house because she wanted to prevent Hailey from using extra energy when she would repeat it all to me. Sneaky biscuit.

Hailey was lost in euphoria to notice how much we were craving our sleep as Anne still had enough energy to snort every time Hailey mentioned how Matt was being a gentleman the other day.

After that my day mostly consisted of roaming around and dancing when nobody was around...

"I'm great!" Jason came up and pushed me to my right, invading whole of the camera's screen wanting to be the center of attention. "How are you? How's everything?" Said Jason, quite eagerly.

Dad chuckled, "Hey champ, behave with your sister, eh?" Jason rolled his eyes at his five year old nickname.

"Yes, dad." Said Jason. I stuck my tongue out at him as he glared at me.

"Where's your mom?"

"Right here, Richard." Smiled mom.

"Hey Adrianne," As mom and dad went on talking I decided to give them some space and go into my room.

"Dad, I'm gonna go up and sleep." I said, bidding my goodbyes.

"Alright princess, Goodnight."

"Night dad."

I went up towards my room, as did Jason. Just as I was close to the door Jason bumped his hip with mine and I went flying towards the door and being saved by it from falling. "Jason, I will squeeze you throat so tight your eyes would bulge out of their sockets!" I threatened running after him as he called me names. Unfortunately, his room being only about fifteen feet apart, he had already gotten in and shut the door in my face. I groaned returning back into my room and landing onto my bed with my arms flailing by my sides as I jumped. The bed felt cold, and as soon as I remembered my school work was still imcomplete, the bed felt like the most comfiest thing at home.

Work can wait. I thought as I drifted off into a light sleep.


"I was wondering." Said Hailey hanging head upside down from her bed.

"Oh really?" I said, engrossed in a book I had been reading.

"What if Matt will be The One?" said Hailey in a deeply thinking manner. To answer that came a snort from Anne.

"You guys did not trap me in your room to talk about your crushes." whined Jake.

"Oh shush, Jake. You said yourself you loved lazy days." Hailey rolled her eyes

"As much as I still would say that, this isn't exactly a bachelor's pad for me."

Hailey rolled her eyes.

We were currently sat in Hailey's room where I came after I had been cruelly woken up by my mother telling me I had been sleeping for over twelve hours. Gosh mom, calm down. I mean, I need all that sleep to operate fully. If only moms understood.

"This is all your fault, Joey" Jake suddenly whined. He had been whining ever since I picked him up. "If you hadn't dragged me out of my bed I would've been sleeping... or eating." He said narrowing his eyes at me or more accurately, my book.

I crawled up to him and placed the book on his head, "Shup up and stay steady, if the book falls I will be coming back empty handed."

He was about to protest, "It means no food." I said as his mouth closed shut and he sat like a statue.

"You could've done that hours ago and never come back." Hailey adviced.

Jake made a weird noise.

"Oh, be grateful." I replied as I walked out the room.


Monday morning when Jason dropped us to school and I met up with Hailey and Anne, the first thing they made sure of was if I had the camera.

Which I didn't.

But luckily, Anne knew I'd forget and brought a camera herself.

We were waiting at our lockers for the bell to ring so that we could've installed the camera in privacy, careful to not let anyone find out.

"We won't get detention, right?" I asked, a bit worried to arrive late in class.

Anne shook her head and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. I was a little shorter than Anne so I looked like I was trying to rip Anne's head off when I had my arms around her shoulder. "Calm down, will you? It's the first time, I doubt we'll get detention for being ten seconds late." Hailey assured.

The bell finally rang and we turned towards my locker. "So we put it inside?"

They nodded as I opened my locker and Anne adjusted the camera inside careful to not let the bars of the locker interrupt the video. Theh both did a little checking as I looked around the halls thinking I'd see the admirer just around the corner. "All good." Hailey chirped.

I couldn't wait to bust the creep.

We walked to the class we three shared, English. Ms. Beryl had her own moods. She'd usually be nice but there were times she'd hate everyone in a ten miles radius, or more. She was quite blunt too. A straight to the point woman. I had expected her to have the former mood. But it would be a miracle for my expectations to be true.

Her voice hit my ear as we raised our feet to enter in the class, "Stay out, you three." Ofcourse, we heard her when we were half way into the class.

"What?" Hailey asked. Her eyes wide in surprise while Anne was just pissed.

"I said, stay out of the class. You would probably study better staying outside, as you find it hard making it to the class in time."

"What?" I asked. Not out of surprise, but bewilderment. "It was the first time! You can't -"

"Out!" Hailey grabbed my arm and

pulled me out seeing as I was about to argue with her.

I scowled at Hailey as she smiled sheepishly, "Outside's better than detention." Anne still had that pissed look on her face. ' She's so unfair.' She indicated.

"We don't need to stay here." I said circling my arms around each of theirs and dragging them towards the cafeteria.

"Should we check the camera?" I was really eager to see if it got the face of the admirer, or creeper, maybe stalker... or maybe just an amateur admirer.

Anne rolled her eyes as she ate her pizza. "C'mon! It's been..." I check my watch only to be dissapointed. "Only twenty minutes." I slumped back into my seat.

"Just wait for seven hours more"

"That's like a year away, right now!"

They ignored me chuckling as I went on whining and wondering why the butterflies were almost ripping the flesh out of my stomach.


Sooooo nothing happened in this update, though you've seen a tiny bit of Joanne's father's character. I've been having a writers block. Already. I know, eh. And because of my studies I barely get time to update. BUT I UPDATED AT LAST. *dances awkwardly* Hopefully I'll try making a time table so I'd be able to update regularly with a month's interval. Sounds good? No? Errkay. ._.

I'll see what I can do then. THANKYOU TO EVERYONE WHO'S READING.

Flying kisses and virtual hugs. <3

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