Chapter 16

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Looking in the mirror I do a little spin, "I don't know guys, I feel so exposed in this."

Tatum leans up against the doorframe with her arms crossed. She lets out a long sigh before saying, "You need to drop that attitude lady. You look amazing, and I won't take no for an answer. Got it."

"But I am like the most common costume, everyone is going to be so bored of it."

"No no. You are a sexy nurse, everyone's going to be blown away by your beauty. Now give me that pretty smile of yours and get your stethoscope, we are ready to party! Sidney, you dressed yet?"

"Yeah, in a minute," Sidney yells from the bathroom.

"(Y/n), tonight is going to be so much fun! Maybe you can have a little action too. Wink wink, nudge nudge."

Fixing my knee-high socks I look up at the girl, "You're not pressuring me to be with your brother anymore?"

"No, I just want you to be happy. Even if it is not with my weird brother. Now come on, I want to get my groove on."

She fixes her high pony hail on herself before she links arms with me, dragging me out of my bedroom. Sidney leaves the bathroom, a pair of cat ears in her mouth as she quickly tries to fix her earrings. Laughing all together we head to the living room, finishing up on our looks before we head out.

I hand Chewie a few treats, sad that he will be spending Halloween alone. Usually, we stay in and watch movies together, but this year is different. This year I have friends and I am going to be making some good memories. Chewie will forgive me once he realizes he gets a quiet house for once since the girls and I have most likely been annoying him for the last few days.

We soon head out the door, piling inside Tatum's car. There was some bickering between Sidney and me about getting the front seat, but I lost rock paper scissors. So I'm stuck in the back with Tatum's backpack that she probably hasn't touched in a while.

Getting to Stu's house we found different ghouls and goblins littering the front porch, their hands occupied with red solo cups. Once Tatum found a parking spot we going the party, eager to also get a drink in our hands. Passing through the front door I could see that the house was at max capacity. People in costumes passed me, enjoying the party that was thrown for the holiday. Seeing people being young again brought a smile to my lips.

"I'm going to go find Stu," Tatum says, shoving her pom pom in my face to get my attention. Nodding at her she disappears into the sea of people. Sidney's hand finds mine, taking me to the kitchen. I could vividly remember this house from the last party that was thrown here.

"Hey, guys!" Randy stops us at the living room, he and others were surrounding the TV. A horror flick danced on the screen, capturing everyone's attention. "Hey Randy, how's it going," I smile at the boy.

He tips his beer in my direction, "Living the dream doc, living the dream."

Sidney continues to pull me away from Randy, eager to get a drink I sense. Finally, in the kitchen, we grab a red solo cup, and fill it with a red liquid. Honestly, I am not sure what this could contain. Fruit punch and some sort of alcohol? Bringing the liquid to my lips I cringe at the taste, whatever it was. Strong is all that I can say, something that I am going to have to take in portions.

"We call it garbage juice," I hear behind me. Turning around I see Billy coming up to Sidney and I, a beer in his hands. My cat friend takes her queue to leave, leaving me alone with her ex-boyfriend.

"Why?" I ask, watching Sidney leave over my shoulder. Looking up at Billy fully I take in a fresh black eye on his face. Very visible and very new. "What happened to your eye? Are you okay"

"Yeah I just got in a fight a bit ago, nothing I couldn't handle. Plus it fits with my jailor costume, right? Makes me look cooler huh?"

"Yeah sure, keep telling yourself that." Taking a sip I cringe again at the taste, this makes the male in front of me laugh. "What's so funny?"

"Yeah, the garbage juice is something special. Stu made it earlier today. It has a full bottle of whiskey, a full bottle of wine, some vodka, fruit punch, and some lemonade. Just a lot of junk in one bowl."

"Awesome." I place the cup on the table behind me, not wanting to drink any more from the amount of alcohol that was in it. Plus one of us needs to be sober enough to drive home, and from the looks of it that someone is me.

Randy walks up to Billy and me, taking the cup I just placed down and downing it quickly. "Don't be a pussy (Y/n), it is Halloween! Now come on doc, come dance with me!" Randy holds out his hand, waiting for me to take it. "Let's get jiggy on the dancefloor."

Laughing I take his hand, letting him guide me into the sea of people that were dancing. We find Stu and Tatum wrapped up with each other, dancing also. The four of us laugh, having a good time with each other. Dancing to the music with no care in the world, letting all the stress just disappear while we finally enjoyed ourselves for the first time in forever.

"Tatum, you want a drink? I'm all out," Stu asks.

"No babe, I'm okay," She responds before placing a kiss on her lips.


"No thank you," I shake my head.

"I will be back."

He disappears into the kitchen, leaving Randy, Tatum, and I. We continue to dance, laughing at the stupid moves each of us comes up with. There was a game we started too. One of us had to copy a dance move from another person that was also dancing at the party. Then the other two had to copy the dance move and try to figure out who it was. Honestly, it was pretty funny seeing Randy fail every time trying to figure out who we were copying.

A cold breeze hits my neck, causing me to glance over my shoulder. Tatum and Randy don't notice, so I continue to dance. For some reason, I just couldn't shake that uneasy feeling. Glancing over my shoulder again and looking past all the other costume-wearing partygoers, I see him. His white mask stared back at me, even through all the people that were in between us.

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