Chapter fourteen

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The phone wouldn't stop ringing....

'Seriously mum!!!', she groaned as she picked up.

'Oh sweet child did I wake you? Its way past the time for any person with a job to be sleeping, do you have the day off?', of course mum, why else would I be sleeping by this time.

'Mum, I spent close to nineteen hours on set yesterday can I please go back to bed before I get a headache', she pleaded.

'Sure honey, right after I tell you why I called. I'll be traveling to your side of the world for a job. Just wondering if you needed anything from here?'

'No mum, thank you. But if you can bring a cake from Mama Ora I'll love you more',

'Like that's possible, I'll see what I can do about the cake. Any preference?',

'As long as its yummy I'll take it'

'Okay, before your dad thinks I'm being nosey again good bye!',

'Bye!', she'd barely closed her eyes when a knock came through. She turned to her bag that she had discarded that morning and pulled out the noise cancellation headphones she borrowed from Grant.

Wondering why she didn't think to put it on before bed, she placed it properly on her head. Powered it on and pulled her blanket over her head and welcomed sleep alongside the silence.

Gabe finally gave up knocking when she wasn't responding and sulked on the floor close to her door.

He wanted to use her desktop but she wasn't opening her door. And Lola wasn't talking to him after the stunt he pulled in her room. Choosing not to depress himself further, he pulled out his tab from his bag he connected to the WiFi and continued playing his game.

One of them was bound to answer him sooner or later.


She really wanted to go home but Louis had been asking her to join him for dinner for a very long time, and she'd always had an excuse as to why she couldn't.

But today she had run out of excuses and decided to just stay.

As soon as the dinner started it began to rain rain.

'Just great' she muttered but Louis heard her as he was sitting next to her on the floor in the living room.

The words had barely registered in their brains when the lights went out with a crack of thunder.

'Come on!!', she yelled this time. She really should have gone ho!e when she wanted to. Now she was stuck here.

'Hey, it really can't be that bad if you stayed till it's over. You can have the only liveable room, I usually stay on the couch anyway', he shrugged still eating with the help of the light from his phone.

After a while he stood up and returned with some candles. When they were lit and placed at strategic places they returned to their dinner and light conversation flowed through.

'Sorry I made you stay', Louis said to her.

'Well you couldn't have known it would rain this heavily. Imagine if I was caught in this as I drove off? So chill its okay', she took a sip of water.

'Still, you might have needed the time to yourself'

'True, which equates bed time for me. I might be out of your hair very early or if the storm ends before I fall asleep'

'There's no need to hurry, you can have my bedroom. I'll just change real quick and the room is yours till morning',

'Alright, sorry I'm putting you out'

A Soul's stir: Candenza ||Completed||✓Where stories live. Discover now