Author's note

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Hi, this is Vera!

Just a little background before making this series and the book itself, it really took a lot of time for me to start this story because for some reasons. After years of trying to write, I finally can write something little-by-little, it was a slow progress, but what's more important is that you're improving. Not the best yet, but better than before.

This may not be the best story or series you'll read, but I will give my best on every part of this story. I want to share my thoughts and personal perspective in this way. In the way of writing.

Writing for me is a continuous learning, it is a freedom where we can write and pour our emotions. Writing is my comfort. Writing is my way of coping. Writing is my way of learning.

Thank you to everyone for those who inspired and motivated me to do this. Without the help and motivation of the people around me, I think I couldn't do this. Thank you very much.

- Sincerely, Vera.

Our Spring day (Season Series #1) Where stories live. Discover now