I look to all of you and see a different fucking species

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"Tommy who? Oh, you mean the annoying little soldier one? The one who got exiled? I don't know where he is, I haven't seen him since. Good riddance." The man laughed loudly, like he had told an incredibly funny joke.

Ranboo almost lets out a warble of anger and frustration, but stops himself at the last second. He needs to keep calm. For Tommy.

"Ah, well," He answers through gritted teeth. "Thank you, sir."

He turns around and makes his way back to his house, a feeling of crushing disappointment in his chest. He tried all day to find information about where Tommy had been exiled to, asking around in all of L'manburg, but no one seemed to know. No one seems to even care about Tommy, mocking him, most of the time, looking happy that he's gone.

It's unfair.

They forgot about the boy who always greeted people with a wide smile despite the angry faces he always got in return, the one who laughed at the snarky comments, despite knowing full well that they were serious, the child who had greeted him with a wild grin (despite his hybrid features, contrarily to the other inhabitants who regarded him with fear and disgust) and who had pouted when he had learned he was still the youngest, the boy who didn't hesitate one moment before protectively throwing himself in front of him, taking the blame for both of them. The one he had learnt to love in such a short time.

The kid who had been classed as a 'fighting prodigy' at a young age and immediately trained to protect a nation that does not care about him.

Because as much as Ranboo wants to fight, scream, screech, hit, punch, scratch and bite, it's true, isn't it?

Tommy gave blood and tears for people who don't care about him, who don't even remember him.

And Ranboo, the guy with literal memory problems, is the only one asking around, the only one caring.

He can't- He can't even cry as much as he wants to and he has to just look at those people, who could cry but won't because they don't care and Ranboo's so mad and he can't do anything about it and- and-

His feet stop by themselves in the middle of his way.

An idea slowly forms itself in his mind.

He doesn't have to support all this.

See, Ranboo was known around here to not choose sides, but people. Now, sometimes the meaning of this varies, but it always goes the same : He follows his heart.

His heart wasn't (and isn't) attached to this country. L'manburg was only home when Tommy was there. Now that the boy isn't there anymore, he doesn't have to stay.

No more moving random dirt blocks out of worry for his best friend because he feels so helpless and guilty. No more asking for answers he won't get.

No, Ranboo wants change, and he wants it now. A change only he can bring.

He closes his eyes, visualizing Tommy's face when he received the allium, expression stubbornly set on disgust, even as the enderman hybrid watched him gently, carefully, put the flower in his enderchest.

There's one thing left to do in this land of mysery.

He focuses on Tommy's house, eyebrows creased in concentration. He feels warmth and can sense his chest weirdly lifting up, slight nausea overtaking him.

When he opens his eyes he's in Tommy's house, purple particles surrounding him. He still isn't used to teleporting, but he's still content to realize that he's gotten clearly better since the first time he did, he doesn't even throw up anymore!

He makes his way towards the enderchest in the corner.

He opens it. There are only two items inside : the purple allium and his memory book.

Ranboo takes it gently in between his clawed fingers.

"Remember Ranboo, when I'm gone don't let anyone touch it. I can't keep it. If Dream sees it it'll only be another thing he can use against me."

He had taken it gently, hands shaking and tears falling down his cheeks, making a mortifying sizzling sound.

Ranboo didn't care. How could he?

Tommy's eyes had softened, and he had reached a hand out to wipe the blond's tears, ignoring the stinging he felt at the probably burning hot skin.

"I'm sorry."

People won't tell him where to find Tommy? Fine, then he'll find him himself. He'll tear through land and sky if needed.

If they took his best friend away from him and expected him to just sit still and cry about it, then they'll be severely disappointed.

The World's Not Perfect But It's Not That Bad (If We Got Each Other)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن