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Warning! Swearing, Nightmares, Death, Hallucinations

[Tommys POV]

Again this dream. Everything starts out black then smiles appear everywhere around me then it fades and I'm with tubbo listening to meholli..

I woke up. On the couch, it was early into he morning and I seems to be the first awake. I still had Wils coat on me I got up and to the kitchen

I grabbed a glass of water and drank it. Before anyone saw me I walked out but when I closed the door Phil was there

"Hi mate! What are you doing here" Phil spoke

"Uh- i was here to steal Wilburs coat" I lied, I didn't want him to stop me from leaving because I don't want to be stuck here any longer.

Phil chuckled
"Alright I'll tell Wilbur about that later."

I sighed and waved bye to Phil and walked off into the snowy terrain.

I walked for awhile, but then I saw dream near a tree and I started running I tripped over a stick and stood up and he's gone. I just took a deep breath and kept speed walking, eating my bread.

[Timeskip :D]

Im now in a unknown forest but I didnt panic I just chopped a tree down killed some sheeps. (R.I.P the Sheeps) and made a bed. I set it down and made a little base. It was night and the base was a quick dirt hut. I kept getting spammed by Wilbur asking me where I am but I didn't respond I just read them but didn't say anything they sent something like


Wilbur Tommy
Tommy where are you?
Answer me
Tommy this isn't funny
I see you read the messages
Where are you?
Fucking answer me
Phil said he didn't know
I want my coat back
Answer me(read)

Honestly if he wanted his coat back he needed to find me.
It was night and I laid in the bed unable to sleep. I can never sleep without anyone nearby and I knew that when I left but I don't need sleep I just have a bunch of Technos food and that will last me for long enough.

I lay there staring at the dirt roof, not able to sleep.

I get up and walk out there are mobs and I killed them th-

Tommy got shot by a skeleton




Ha nerd


I get up form my bed and leave the dirt house embarrassed and chop some trees and occasionally kill mobs until morning I use the wood to make tools and start stair mining

I make tools. Everything is oddly peaceful lately, I try to ignore the paranoia I have. I walk up and yup jinxed it, there dream is leaning on the outside of my dirt hut. I walk back down panicked and sit on the steps curled up in a ball just repeating

"Goawaygoawaygoawaygoaway" over and over until I calm down

After claiming down I sit there for awhile until standing up and walking up the steps and he's gone

I sighed, relieved he's gone and go back in my hut and make a furnace and cook some iron then make better tools. And I mine for the rest of the day.

Then I go to my dirt hut and lay down tired from mining and then pass out...

[559 words :D]

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