Chapter VI

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Twas, the beginning. Twas as it was, twas it became. Twas soon it would be, it would have been, it was, it will be, it were, it was as if.

Sometimes, Cavinator1 pondered. He pondered what it once was, what it would be, what it became, what it would have been, what it was, what it will be.

Approaching, Cavinator1 approached.

Cavinator1 reached and acquired "The when is the how thee".

The when is the how thee, as it was, was "The when is the how thee". The when is the how thee was as thee was, and as I were, as anyone would have been. Cavinator1 pondered. He pondered what it once was, what it would be, what it became, what it would have been, what it was, what it will be.

But now, Cavinator1's knowledge. What it would become, what it did become, what it was, what it had been, what it became. And with The when is the how thee, Cavinator1 was.

Cavinator1 was.


The when is the how thee, as it wasWhere stories live. Discover now