chapter 14

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We walked to y/n dorm and ruby asked something, so what are you going to ask y/n said ruby. i don't know yet, but i do know my parents want me to visit them and i hope to ask y/n, Crystal and Micheal9999 to come with me to Menagerie i said.

are you sure about that and Menagerie is only Faunus there and y/n, Micheal9999 are human said yang. i know about that and i hope they are okay with it I said, Same here and you be safe too Blake said weiss.

i will and i see you later i said as my team wave and head to our dorm, i knock on y/n door and hear Micheal9999 voice. Come in said Micheal9999 as I walked into the room and saw Micheal9999 sitting on the floor and Crystal put some books on his head and with the help of Le Fay and her brother.

ah you must be Blake said Vali, that's right and what's going on here Vali i ask. well you see, they try to know how many books stay on his head before they fall said Vali. oh, alright... wait a minute, your team dorm with y/n i said.

that right and our dorm right there said Vali as he pointed at the door to my left, so that your dorm, but how i said. oh that was me said Micheal9999 as i look at him, it was you and how i ask him.

I can't say it, but i can say this, i use my power to make a room in a room said Micheal9999, okay then and i need to ask you, Crystal and y/n, so you know where y/n is i said as the open up behind me.

we turn to see y/n walk in and sit on the bed, hey y/n, how your time with your harem said Vali. well i have a great time with them and Blake what you are doing here said y/n, well i need to ask you something i said.

sure thing, so what you to ask said y/n, well i need you, Crystal and Micheal9999 to come with me to Menagerie i said. yes, we will come with you said y/n, oh thank you very much i said as we hear a sound, so we turn to see what happened.

we saw Micheal9999 and some of the books on the ground, oh no said Crystal. well i know how many there was and it was about eighteen books said Micheal9999, that good and your alright said Arthur.

i'm alright and at least we know how books can stay on my head said Micheal9999 as he got up from the ground. so when we are going ask y/n, well right now i said as y/n call over Crystal and Micheal9999.

alright then and Vali tells my harem I will be somewhere said y/n, i will y/n said Vali as we leave the dorm.

(time skip)

We are at the port to get a ride to Menagerie, so who are we going to meet said y/n. well he is friendly and willing to help us get to Menagerie i said, so you mean that guy over there said Micheal9999 as the Captain wave at us.

hey Captain i said as we walked to him, good day Missy and these three are your friend said Captain. good day and that right, meet y/n, Crystal, y/n daughter and Micheal9999 i said as they wave at the Captain.

nice to meet you all and you are all ready to go said Captain, we are ready i said as we get on his boat and left the port.


We have been on the boat for a bit and i saw y/n talking to the Captain, how he got Crystal and the Captain was shocked to hear about it. it looks like y/n told the Captain, that good i said to myself.

Then I saw Crystal sleep on Blake's lap and she was worried about something, so i got up and walked to Blake. hey Blake what is wrong i ask her as she looks at me, oh it nothing said Blake as i sit down with her.

i know something is wrong and you can tell me i said, alright, it is about Adam and he is my  former romantic partner said Blake. oh the bull Faunus and your friend told me about him i said, oh okay and i just worried if Adam knew about y/n being here, he would kill y/n or hurt Crystal said Blake.

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