Watching the Stars (or You)

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I sigh as I plop onto Beck's couch, they don't even look up from their pottery. "Exam was that tough, huh?" They ask.

"Coding is killing me. It's a whole different language," I groan.

"You'll catch onto it soon enough."

"Soon enough," I air quote, "won't cut it."

"You obviously need a break. How about we take a night to relax? I have a place we can go," They glance up and smile. I know I have a million other things I should do, but I would rather hang with Beck. Plus who knows, a night off may just be what I need. 

"Fine, but I need to be back before two. I still have a class at noon." They nod and return to their pottery. I watch in awe for a little, then scroll on my phone. I'm intrigued at where they want to take me tonight. We eat dinner in their apartment, then I get dressed and tidied up. They tell me to dress a bit warmer because it's still fall. Before we know it, the leaves on the ground will become snow. I steal one of their jackets from their closet to complete my look. When I step out of their room, Beck does a double take and smiles. We walk out to their pickup truck and they start driving. 

The city lights soon change to trees and then to empty fields. Finally, they turn into one of the fields. They park and pull out a few blankets and snacks from their backseat that I somehow hadn't noticed. When I step out, all the lights are gone. "You didn't take me here to murder me, right?"

"Yes Dawn, that was my evil plan all along. To bring you out here and murder you," They roll their eyes. They open up the back of their truck and put the blankets and snacks in there, then lie down. They pat the spot next to them. 

I cuddle with them, and we watch the stars. They point out some of the constellations, but instead, I keep watching them. I love the way their eyes light up, they've always been into the sky and space. Their smile is so wide, and all I can think about is how badly I want to kiss them. They notice, stop for a second, and just stare back. "What?" They ask, smiling.

"I just really want to kiss you right now," I say, looking down. They tilt my chin up towards them and kiss me. I still smile every time they kiss me. We lie for a while longer, my eyes still lingering on them more than the stars. Eventually, it gets late enough that I need to get back to class. As we get to the apartment, I ask, "Can I stay the night?"

They jokingly sigh, and say "Fine." They then smile. Someday we'll have a place of our own. I smile at the thought of that and fall asleep happy as ever. 

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