I Love You a Latte

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Finally, a break, I think to myself as I walk up to the on-campus cafe. On Tuesdays, we meet here during my hour break between classes at 11. They order the same old medium Americano every time. I at least change it up based on the season. It's just barely still fall, so for one of the last times, I can order my large pumpkin cold foam with soy. Beck smiles as I walk to our usual table, and they already have our orders. I take a long sip and exaggerate it. "Ahhhh, refreshing," I smile. 

They roll their eyes, "I don't get how you can drink something that sweet."

"Because I'm that sweet," I say, winking. They roll their eyes again but smile. "How do you drink something that bitter?"

"It matches my soul."

"Good thing opposites attract." We both chuckle. I reach to pull out my laptop, but they stop me.

"No school work."

"Why?" I whine.

"This is supposed to be a break. It's not a break if you're working the whole time."

"I guess," I sigh. They did step away from the pottery studio for this. The least I can do is take a break from schoolwork. I set my backpack down once again. 

I take another sip of my coffee and stare at Beck for a while. They start sketching and looking up at me occasionally. After about 10 minutes of almost silence from them, they turn their sketchbook around. It's a drawing of both of us.

"I started the half with me earlier. I just needed the missing part," they say, pridefully. I lean over the table and kiss them. "Y' know, I love you a latte." 

I roll my eyes. They love corny puns. They're a little stupid at times, but somehow it makes me love them more. "I love you too, dork."

"Says the graphic design major that never puts her schoolwork down."

"Says the one who has more dad jokes than most dads." I check the clock. I have to start walking if I want to get to class on time. "I wish I didn't have to go back."

"Then don't," they suggest.

"You know I can't do that. I'll see you later. I love you."

"I love you too, dork."

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2023 ⏰

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