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I love the way you look at me,
and not at anyone else.
I get so very anxious,
but it's because of what I felt.
A spark,
A connection,
Between the two of us,
And all I can do is sit here,
Knowing it's not what I want.

Maybe it is,
I don't even know,
But when you look me in the eye,
I begin to blush.
You smile,
Knowing what you've done,
But you feel pain,
Cause you know how far it's gone.

It will NEVER be real,
You know that at least,
So why pursue it?
If you know it will cause pain.
You're in one already,
Why break it for this?
This.. Unknown feeling
That only we know exists.
Just leave it now,
Before it's too late,
Before I get attached and then you'll never break free.

Good luck with your life,
I hope it does you well.
And forget about me,
Your "special" little girl.

My Life In PoetryWhere stories live. Discover now