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qui-ver / kwiver / verb. Tremble or shake with a slight rapid motion.

noun. A slight trembling movement or sound, especially caused by fear.

noun (obsolete). A group of cobras.

"Sorry I'm late, I had a book report due and I didn't get much sleep but I..." She trailed off as she got further into the dojo, only to find it full of people. "What is happening?"

"No questions, Mai, fall in." Her father instructed.

"Okay." She shrugged, falling in beside Miguel. She leaned towards him, and he matched her movement. "Do you have any painkillers?" She whispered.

"Yeah, they're in my bag." He returned, his voice in the same whisper.

"Thank god for you."

"Maia... come on." Johnny sighed. "I know how late you were up last night, so I'll forgive you being late, but you gotta shut up or I'll be forced to make an example out of you, hmm. And I don't wanna do that, you're my little girl. So, shh."

"Yes, father." She nodded, offering up a sweet smile. That sweet smile she knew he couldn't resist.

"I'm gonna kill you." He said under his breath. "Alright!" He called, starting his little pep-talk. Maia stood through it, and pushed through training despite the pounding in her head. When finally, Johnny decided she'd suffered enough and allowed a short break. She was more than thankful for Miguel and his drugs, and even gave him a hug for his planning ahead.

"I love you so much right now." She hummed.

"Hey, Maia." She turned her head, surprised to find Dimitri and Eli in the dojo.

"Hey!" She beamed, leaning in for a kiss when he stopped her.

"You wanna kiss me with all of these people looking?" He asked.

"Yeah, let them look." She smiled, finally getting the kiss she was after.

"Um... what?" Dimitri scoffed, and they both looked to him. "What is this? When did these developments occur?"


"Maia!" She jumped a little at the sudden sound of her fathers voice. She looked to him, and he was beckoning her into his office.

"Here we go." She huffed, heading towards him. Once she was inside, he shut the door behind her, not that it would matter because there was a big window.

"Did you just give that kid a kiss?" He asked her, leaning against his desk.


"Is he... like your boyfriend?"


"Does he treat you good? Does he respect you? Does he treat you like the princess that you are?"

"Don't be so protective." She sighed.

"Just... just stop growing, okay. You're my little girl-"

"Yeah, I know, you keep saying, but you've gotta let me get hurt sometimes, dad. I believe you when you say nobody loves their daughter like their dad does, and I know you're always gonna be there when I need you, but loosen the reins a little." He went quiet, hating that she was right. Hating that she was growing up and he couldn't stop her.

"Alright. But if he hurts you, Mai, I swear-"

"I know." She smiled. "I love you too."


"Who wants to take Samantha in?" The teacher asked, and the room dropped silent. "Don't all volunteer at once."

"I'll take her." Maia spoke. "My lab partner is absent anyway." Sam smiled, making her way towards Maia's table.

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