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"For the seven thousandth time, I'm fine." She huffed, shaking her head. "Just a little concust, is all."

"You look like death." Sam pointed out, a slight smile on her face. "I know I keep checking on you, just... everybody was so worried about you an... for a minute I thought you might have brain damage or something stupid."

"The important thing to remember is that I'm alive, y'know. If they'd decided to stab me, I could be lying in a morgue right about now."

"I still don't quite understand what happened."

"I think... I was just walking home and I'd told Eli, because he wanted to walk me home because it was dark, I told him I'd be fine because it was like a five minute walk and I had Miguel on the phone anyway and then... I don't know, they just came out of nowhere, I don't even remember hitting the floor."

"We should get you a taser." Sam said, and the two shared a laugh. "No, but seriously. If somebody wants to walk you home when it's dark out, say yes."

"As much as I'd like to, we both know I like to complicate things for myself." She shrugged. Just then her phone rang. "Here we go."


"All morning, it's been nonstop. I guarantee the first thing I'm gonna here is 'how are you feeling'."

"Alright, you're on. Put it on speaker." She nodded, answering the phone, and putting it on speaker.

"Hey, Eli." She said.

"Hey. How are you doing? You feeling okay?" Maia met Sam's gaze through the screen, letting out a sigh.

"Yep, great. Just great."


That afternoon, after staying in her bed more or less all day, Maia was surprised to find Miguel just letting himself into her bedroom.

"Hey, Maia." He said ever so casually. She gave him a look wondering if he was going to speak again, or if that was all he came in here for. "What?"

"What are you doing in my bedroom?" She asked.

"Oh! Right!" He spoke, as if his brain needed a second to catch up. "Um, my mom wanted to have you and your dad for diner. He's already over there."

"Oh, okay."

"Something wrong?"

"No, I just- nothing." She smiled.

"Great! So... I'm gonna leave because I feel wierd being in your bedroom."

"What?" She sniggered. "Why?"

"I don't know, you're dating Eli, I'm with Sam, this just feels like a no-no." He nodded, then disappearing out of the door. Maia laughed to herself, wondering what the hell she'd just witnessed.


"This is absolutely delicious, Ms Diaz." Maia said, and she smiled.

"Thank you, Maia." She nodded.

"I don't remember the last time I had a home cooked meal, y'know, so... so thanks, really."

"Really, dear, its no problem. You're always welcome." Suddenly a phone began ringing, and Miguel looked down, so clearly it was his. "Answer it." His mother smiled. "But don't be long, your dinner will get cold."

"Thanks, mom." He smiled, disappearing into his bedroom.

"Hey, I really like these little bananas." Johnny nodded.

"They're called plantains."

"Oh... well here we call them bananas." Maia attempted to hold in a laugh, and ended up almost choking. "What?"

"Mini bananas aren't just called mini bananas. They're plantains here too."

"What, really?" He asked, absolutely bewildered, and she nodded.

"Uh, Maia?" She turned her head, finding Miguel just out of his bedroom door. "Can I talk to you for a sec?"

"Wh- yeah, okay." She shrugged, getting out of her seat and approaching him, and he shut the door behind her. "Everything okay?"

"Did you speak to Sam today?" He asked.

"Um, this morning."

"Did she seem... off? Like she didn't want her parents to know she was talking to you?"

"No. In fact, I had a nice conversation with her mom, why?"

"I don't know, I just feel like... she's hiding me from them."

"Maybe she's just not ready to tell them. I mean, look what happened with Kyler-"

"But I'm not Kyler!"

"I know." She breathed, finding it hard to believe he'd just snapped at her. "But you can't expect a girl to go on seventy bad dates and not lose hope she's gonna find the one. Just give her a little time, and she'll tell them when she's ready. But don't push her, because you'll just push her away."

"Maybe you're right."


The next day, the 'crew' decided to take a trip to the movies. There was Maia, Eli, Miguel and Aisha, in that order in the seats. Of course, Maia stole the isle seat. Though, she couldn't help but notice, that Miguel kept looking down at his phone. She leaned over to him, poking him.

"Give me that damn phone."


"No way am I gonna let you sit and sulk because she hasn't text you for a while, so give me that phone, before I take it from you." She said again, holding out her hand. He let out a sigh, allowing her to take it from him, and she shoved it into her pocket. "Don't look so down."

"Why doesn't she want me to meet her parents?" He whined.

"Just go to her house." Eli shrugged. "It's an alpha move."

"Oh my god, you did not just say that." Maia cringed.

"What?" He asked with a slight laugh.

"You sound like such a jackass."

"So what? You like it." He smirked.

"Oo, I'm about to punch you." She said, unable to resist her own smile.

"Don't pout, Maia." She met his eyes, letting out a sigh.

"You wanna know a secret?"

"Go on."

"I love you." She said.

"Thanks." He replied, kissing her once before turning back to the screen. Maia couldn't help but feel a sinking start in her stomach. What was that supposed to mean? Thanks? That's all he had to say? Just thanks? If she'd ever felt any sort of self-loathing in her life, it was right now. Why did she have to open her mouth? Why couldn't she've kept it to herself?

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