in the midst of camp

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Strutting back inside the grounds of camp, Tsukishima talks amongst himself and his friends - Ethan and Cherri, They speak amongst themselves about a certain little plan, oh my bad viewers let's fill you in on the story so far!

Alright, well the main character in this story is Tsukishima Mangiri, a couple days after September 12th, Tsukishima's 13th birthday he was kidnapped and stayed in a van along side other kids for weeks on end untill one day the vans doors open wide and amongst the fresh air and trees a man steps towards the vans and pulls the kids out one by one and lines them up and slams the doors of the van aggressively shut, as he grabs and pulls one of the kids the rest follow and the man leads these children within the start of a forest, "Before I untie you all, You are all 13 correct?" All of the kids nod. "Good" the mysterious man says, and so he unties the kids and throws them within the gates of the large forest and slams the tall metal gates closed and waves at the kids but whilst waving the man yells "Your goal is to make it to the middle, enhance yourself and your surroundings, just make sure you survive" as he finishes his sentence he starts to walk back to the van the kids were pulled out of, the moment he walks away most of the children start wailing in tears, and screaming their sadness. A couple of the kids are confused whilst one or two of them are walking away from the group and wandering off. "1 - 2, 3" and so on, a child counts the amount of people there "11." He says, "What?" Tsukishima looks confused at the child, the boy goes "11. There's 11 of us in total here" - "oh" Tsukishima replies, as Tsukishima reacts to the boy a girl speaks up "Are we just gonna sit here and cry to ourselves? Why are we in a damned forest, we just got ourselves kidnapped" the rest of the kids there look at themselves and agree, yeah why are they just sitting there? They should be getting going. The boy that counted the number of children asks "What are we even supposed to do? Find the so called camp the random man who kidnapped us said? That's crazy." - "It might just be our only way of survival, if he was being truthful that is" Tsukishima replies, "You have a good point" the girl says. "Guess I'm going then. See you" as the boy says walking off, "Alright then guess I am aswell" Tsukishima says and heads off into a different direction from the boy. As he strays from the rest of the children Tsukishima hears faint screaming and louds booms and even thunder? But there's no storm, that's crazy. "I must be going crazy!" Tsukishima grabs his face and screams.

As he screams he looks off into a distance off onto a cliff, "What am I even doing here, what have I even done to be here." He asks himself, as snot starts to drip down his nose he sniffles and wipes his nose, "I just have to push through I guess.." he says lightly. And so he pushes on and heads on, Soon Tsukishima realize the booms and thunder seem to be getting- louder? He curiously walks towards the sound and peaks behind a tree, it's two boys fighting but with some sort of powers? One is controlling explosions whilst the other is just sending surge's of electricity. Each attack they make the ruin and mess up more trees and the surroundings, as Tsukishima watches the tree he's in front of gets smacked with electricity so he's pushed on his back, the boys see Tsukishima and look angered, so Tsukishima try to get up as fast as he can and runs off as fast as he can aswell, "what was that, HOW was that?" Tsukishima asks, as he finishes his sentence the girl from earlier sees him again, "Oh, it's you again." The girl says, "oh..hi?" Tsukishima says in a confused tired manner, "Lemme guess you saw the boys fighting too?" She asks, "yeah- how are they doing that what are they even doing exactly?" He questions, "You- don't know? Aren't you 13 though??" She asks extremely confused. "Yeah I just turned 13 but why does that matter?" He asks, "Wait wait wait, were you not taught about Oddity's or something?" she replies, "Oh Oddity's, I think something in school has talked about them but who cares history or something" he laughs, "it's so much more than that, Oddity's are what those boys have and what we basically all have everyone gets one or so."she snickers with a grin. "Huh? No" he says, "Huh yes. Did you retrieve a item or anything on your birthday by your family?" She asks, "Oh yeah! My dad gave me these two rings but they look stupid so I just kept them on me - wish I wore them" he said with a sad look then realized something and reached his hand into his pocket and pulled out, you guessed it. The rings! And so he puts them on and they do, literally nothing.
"Those rings, or really anything accessory are the key to our Oddity's, there picked out by the government when we are born then given to us at 13 because this is when our Oddity's become more uncontrollable, these items help us control it and stay intact with our powers!" She says. "Wait so I have powers, you have powers? Why? Actually nevermind" once he finishes the sentence he trys jumping in the air and flying and falls face first into the ground. "Yeah that's not how it works, you have to genuinely train and try to figure out how to control it properly, were you never told what you have?" She asks with a confused look, as he pulls his head from the dirt and sits up and dusts the dirt off "I wasnt told anything honestly my dad doesn't talk to me much after my mom left and my sister works a lot" he replies, "Oh." She says, "mhm, what do we do then is that how we are supposed to survive here or something?" He asks, "From what I'm guessing I suppose so, I think we have to train ourselves and make it to the center of the forest where the camp is" she says, "got it! That's our goal then- whatever your name is" Tsukishima says with joy, "Cherri. Cherri Wang" She replies "Oh! Okay, I'm Tsukishima, Tsukishima Mangiri!" As he says he holds out his hand to shake hers, Cherri reach's her hand out to shake his and so, They shake hands sealing a new friendship, the only problem now is to attempt to actually train and make it to the middle actually alive.

Prologue - Obedient Oddity'sWhere stories live. Discover now