Chloe's Stolen Shoes (PT 1)

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Chloe always had been inspired to be a dancer ever since she was a little girl, and when she had applied to be on her 7th grades dance team, she didn't think she'd actually make it into the group, after all, it was pretty hard to get into any club at her school or even activies after.

The day of her first practice however she ended up being late, as she entered the dance studio she realized, she forgot her outfit! She apologized to the head of the team abundantly, to which the apology was accepted.

In not bringing her uniform however she also didn't bring her special dance shoes, which meant she had to dance in socks.
Chloe hesitantly took her Nikes off, setting them aside as she joined the rest of the group on the stage. In the row behind where her shoes were, where some spectators, one of them was named Anne, she had always wanted to see a girl shoeless and walking around helpless, but she had also wanted a girl's socks off too. She decided she wanted to find a way to get Chloe's socks and shoes off!

First, she took Chloe's Nikes, hiding them in her purse, she then waited she knew there might be a chance Chloe would throw her socks away if she had to walk on the dirty floors in the other rooms.

After practice, as expected Chloe looked for her shoes, she asked around seeing if anyone had seen her Nikes. To her disappointment, no one did, she walked, defeated to her next class, the girl followed her as she watched Chloe's socks get dirtier and dirtier. She finally took them off and threw them away, revealing her bare toes for the first time to Anne.

Chloe later talked to another girl named Sabrina, she happened to lose her shoes as well on the same day. The two ended up quickly becoming friends, explaining the unique predicament the two had ended up in to each other.

It definitely wouldn't be the last time Chloe had a foot adventure.

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