Chapter Two

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A/N: Disclaimer: I don't own Young Justice or any of these characters, and I am getting absolutely no profit from this whatsoever. The line art for this picture also belongs toHikariTheAlchemist on deviant art. Thoughts are in appostrophes, and dialogue is in quotation marks.

"No, I don't want to eat all of your food, man." he suddenly looked guilty and I caught a flash of another foreign emotion on his face. It was a mixture of fear and shyness. 'Oh, god. Wally is never shy! What did his parents do to him?'


"Walls, there are only three people that live here. Alfred just went to the store; we don't need all of this food! It's okay, I promise." 'This is bad, very bad. Wally is never one to turn down food, especially if it is something Alfred cooked.' "How much have you even eaten today? It doesn't look like you've had much. Look man, I know you're hungry, and you really need the food. If you eat now, then when Roy gets here we can bust out some snacks, and we can watch a movie or something. I have a couple new games, if you're up to playing."

"Alright, fine, but you aren't allowed to hack the game again! That's how you always manage to win! Everyone knows that I have the real skills." He flexed his muscles playfully, and although I knew his smirk was way too forced, I let it go. His parents are a touchy subject on the best of days, and I don't need him running out.

As Wally inhaled the food I had reheated for him, I checked my phone to see if Roy had responded yet.

Roy: What do u mean dont go after them? They hurt my little brother!!! AGAIN!!! How bad is he? Im going to ask GA to do my rounds. If he doesnt I guess they wont get done. His problem.

I typed out a quick reply to Roy before I started to make Wally some more food. If he had been with his parents all day, then he had to eat the amount a normal teen would. That is not nearly enough for a whole meal, let alone all day with only that much food. I couldn't believe that he didn't pass out.

Me: I mean, I have it covered. It will be too obvious if we all go. Maybe Bruce can call in a favor and get a law suit or something. I'm just as mad as you are, believe me. He is pretty distraught. Heavy on the dis. He is trying to hide it, but you know his acting skills. Try not to get into another fight with GA, alright? And could you grab some snacks on the way over? He hasn't had much to eat for a while.

Roy: K b there soon

I sighed in relief. The sooner he gets here, the sooner we can cheer Wally up. He needs to be with some real family right now. He needs people who won't yell and hit him, but will comfort and care for him. We talked as Wally ate, staying away from the dangerous subjects for now. When he was finishing up the waffles I made him, Roy walked in. He set some movies and snacks on the counter, and collapsed into the chair next to Wally.

"Hey, Walls," Roy greeted, giving him a one-armed hug, "How are you doin', bud?" Roy and I were looking at his face, trying to judge how bad he was about to lie.

"Fine. Pretty asterous, actually." He flashed us a quick smile, but it was fake, like he was trying to convince himself instead of us. Roy narrowed his eyes, but didn't comment. I put my hand on Wally's shoulder, and I caught his eye before he averted his gaze again. The three of us put the dirty dishes in the dish washer, and went up to my room.

"Walls? Wally, look at me," Roy laid his hand on Wally's shoulder,"Please talk to us, bud." Wally glanced up, but wouldn't look either of us in the eyes.

"I'm fine, guys. I should head home, anyway. You need your sleep, and my aunt and uncle will worry.

I moved closer to him, and tilted his head up so he was looking at me instead of his shoes. "We are not going over this again. You are going to stay here, at least for tonight. We are just trying to help, but we can't do that if you don't talk to us."

"He is right, Walls," Roy added, " You said that you didn't want to tell Barry yet, and we are already here. You wouldn't let one of us go if the roles were switched, and you know it. Please, talk to us."

"I-I know. Sorry guys." We gave him our reassurances, and we sat down on my bed. 'Hopefully, he will believe us when we try help him.'


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