Chapter Four

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A/N: Disclaimer: These are not my characters, I don't own the show (or the comics) or anything related to them. Another big thanks toBroken.Bird.Nightingale for reading over this for me, and HikariTheAlchemist for letting me borrow her line art!! I have absolutely no reason for why I updated this so late. I'm so sorry. Yay, this is the last chapter! I hope you've enjoyed this story!! Thanks for reading!!

"Wally," Roy said, hugging us both tightly. "You have to remember that you don't deserve that abuse. You never did. There isn't anything wrong with you. It's their fault for not realizing how great of a kid they had." We stood there in nearly complete silence, with the only exception being our muffled sniffles.


We pulled apart after nearly five minutes. I walked over to my movie case that was mostly filled with movies that haven't officially been released yet. I smirked as I reached for one of mine and Wally's favorite movies, knowing that Roy wouldn't be amused with my pick.

"Good God, don't tell me you're gonna pick out Harry Potter, again," groaned Roy. He looked up at me from his spot on my bed, and rolled his eyes at the grin on my face that matched Wally's almost perfectly.

"You know us too well, Roy-Boy," I said, using the nickname he despised most from his childhood. "Anyway, it's a classic, how can you not love it?"

Roy, acting much like the mature adult he insists he is, stuck his tongue out at us. "There is a difference between it being a classic, and just being over watched."

I looked up at him through my eye lashes, and pouted slightly. "Pretty please, Roy? I promise we can watch something else next time." Roy huffed, but I knew he gave in. He could never resist when Wally or I really wanted something.

"Fine, whatever," he mumbled. He attempted to scowl at us, even though we all knew he didn't mean it. I popped the disk into my DVD player, and sat on my bed next to Wally. It only took about twenty minutes for us to eat all of our snacks. Wally fell asleep about ten minutes later, with Roy and I right behind him.


I woke up when I felt my pillow moving around spasmodically. I opened my bleary eyes and glanced at the clock. It was almost six o'clock in the morning. I calculated the numbers quickly in my head and concluded that I'd been asleep for three hours, maybe a bit more. I looked at Wally and saw that he was squirming around, his face pinched up like he was in pain. I shook his shoulder, but got no response.

"Wally, Wally wake up. You're okay, c'mon Walls, please?" I kept muttering nonsense in an attempt to comfort him. He bolted out of bed, panting as if he had just run two laps around the world. Roy woke up when he heard my mumbling, and saw what was happening.

"Shh, Walls. Calm down. You're safe, we're here." Roy pulled Wally back down, and wrapped his arms around him. "It was a dream, Walls. It's going to be okay, now."

"S-sorry," Wally muttered. "It was just so real. I could hear him y-yelling again. It was all my f-fault," he said. "All my fault that he and Mom always fight."

"Wally!" I scolded. "It wasn't your fault! He was wrong. You are an awesome friend, a fantastic brother, and an amazing hero. It was his fault. He is a drunk, and not nearly good enough to be your father."

Roy agreed with me, and Wally nodded his head. "Walls, you might not believe us now, but he is right. Believe me, we both understand how much it sucks to not be able to be with your parents. It hurts, but it will get better. And we will be here whenever you need us. Your aunt and uncle will do whatever they can to help you, too. We are all your family, Walls. Your true family, through thick and thin." I saw Wally's eyes shift downwards, but there was also a small twinkle that I hadn't seen since he woke me up hours ago. Something Roy said must have stuck in his head. He pulled Roy and I into a tight hug.

"Thanks, guys. You're the best," Wally sniffled into Roy's shoulder. We both knew it would take years to undo all of the pain inflicted by his parents; however, between Barry, Iris, Roy, and I, I knew we could do it. We always have and always will be there for each other. 


A/N: Well, what do you think? I really hoped you've liked this! It would be great if you reviewed and told me what you thought, but if you don't want to, that's fine, too. :) I look forward to hearing your opinions! Thanks for bearing with me and reading all of this!! :) 

Always There (Young Justice)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें