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After breakfast I thought to explore my surroundings, first thing that came to my mind was the garden I live in this mansion but i still dont know many parts of it and I live in it

The garden was marvelous simply too beautiful the flowers of every color were put together and it doesn't make it look any bad there were a layer of moist on them they were well put together the gardeners have definitely did a great job

As I was strolling I saw a carriage stopping outside the gates and a teenager stepped out in professional clothing he was even wearing gloves I stopped to look at him

He had black hair and pale blue eyes his skin was slightly tanned

He took out his suitcase and other things not long after a servant came and helped him taking his things inside when I saw him entering after the servant I turned away because I heard footsteps with my oh so awesome hearing they were still at a distance but I turned nonetheless, the steps were light and there was rhythmic thump of heels

Not a moment later my mother came into view and when she spotted me she smiled I was expecting her to have grin or something but given that we were outside of the mansion, in the view of servants and others

She walked up to me "good morning Kath," she bend to kiss my forehead and I just stood there blinking..that was the first time I have heard her calling 'my' name "are you free? If so, we can go to shopping as promised" oh yeah

"Sure, I am free till noon" I have successfully changed my schedule of classes

"Good, get ready and meet me outside" she said and continued on her way


"Selene" she came forward from where she was standing

"Go and fetch a nice outfit I'll be coming shortly"

She bowed and left

I turned back to found the boy standing at the gate he is still there?

As my green orbs met his obsidian one's he stared back, his eyes seem to have hold intensity, I thought of having a staring contest when I remembered I have somewhere to be so with a sigh I traced the path where I came from

In my room Celia was already there to do my hair, I changed in the red dress it looked unsurprisingly beautiful on me, my milly white skin contrast to the blazing red it was sleeveless with a round neck and a brooch in the middle

Celia tied my hair in two buns and the rest of hair flowing down she brushed my bangs carefully, my bangs seems very important all of a sudden

So I asked a question "how will I look without the bangs?"

Celia blinked "I think miss will look beautiful bangs just add to your cuteness"she cooed at the end smiling

Humming in acknowledgment I jumped down from the cushion and made my way outside

Cuz I'm lost in the way you move the way you feel one kiss is all it takes falling love with me...

Stopping my mental karaoke I stood in front of Sierra and she ushered me inside the carriage

On that way to wherever we were going she talked about a lot of things mostly about the unborn child like how she's going to buy tons of essentials for him and me ofcourse I let her talk, how could I not? She looks so happy about the child I would occasionally nod to let her know I was listening or even adding some sentences here and there

After our talk in garden she haven't tried to get in Roselia's way, that's good

The carriage stopped and I peeked out it was a market bustling with crowds

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