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I've finally decided to go and explore this world and the fact that I've to find the pearl but how?

I rock the chair back and forth tapping my chin with a pen lost in thought

The dark forest, but how to get out of here I cant just go without telling them the necklace would have helped but I can only go to places I've been or know, tch

'Why not just tell them you're going to the guild?' Seraphina suggested

My eyes lit up

"What a great idea!"

Yeah but alone? Mom will let me?

'I am here though'

I rolled my eyes, it will not be enough for her

I got up and wandered out, just I've passed a room or something like that when someone called me

"Ah, Katharine" its mother

I walked backwards and stopped at...father's office? Oh Elijah is here too

I raised a brow in question

She gave me a look for my manners but I can see the hint of smile

"Come here" she beckoned me and Elijah mimicked her action, this boy...

Father was here too so not wanting to look like a brat I reluctantly greeted him

"What is it?"

"Your butler is here"

"I don't have butler"

"You have now" I looked at my father

"What?" He gestured to someone behind me

Slowly turning around, my mind brought back the memory of me standing in the garden while he was getting out of the carriage and we had shared a brief eye contact

He is the same guy!

I blinked at him

He bowed, and looked back at me with a blank stare that made me feel he was not too keen on being my butler

He was wearing all black well except his shirt under his grey vest and fitted gloves which were white, with black pants (ofcourse) and shining boots

But...why getting me a butler all of a sudden? Do they know I am going out? Or is he here to report my wrongdoings to the duke?

I turned back towards my father "Why getting me a butler all of a sudden?" While this sounded totally innocent question the way my dearest father refused to meet my eye is suspicious , very suspicious

I squinted at him until my mom spoke up "Now, now honey, don't be so ungrateful he was here all along for you"

What? As if realising how it sounded she rushed out "uh I mean he was brought here to he your butler and have been being trained for years now"

"Okay," I'll accept the answer

"But I've something to say to you guy- uh father, mother" I looked at both of them and as they waited I continued "I am going to the guild"

I watched as my mom frowned and my father's eyes widened "what?"

Both asked in unison my lil bro just looked confused glancing at each of our faces

"Yes, just wanted infor- " as Sierra's eyes narrowed I backtracked

"I mean ask for your permission ofcourse"i smiled sweetly

"Why do you want to go there all of a sudden?" My father asked

"I've wanted go for a while I am just telling you now, father" yes I wanted to go out for years actually

"I see.." he looked to be in thought before his eyes flashed to me again and he smiled "Sure you can go" mom looked just as surprised as I was I squinted

Suspicious, but I let it go for now

"Alright...I'll be going now"

As I walked down the hallways I was not alone, crossing my arms I stared down at him it makes sense why the butler was following me but..

"Why are you following me little one?" Elijah scrunched up his face in annoyance

"I also want to go" he said I continued walking " do you know where I am going?" He looked at me like I asked the most ridiculous thing as he came beside me "ofcourse I know you're going to the guild"

I hummed "and what is a guild?"


"Such a nice brother I have, willing to go anywhere with me even if its hell"

He tried to look irritated but his blushing cheeks said otherwise "w-who said th-that?"



I tapped my plate slowly with my spoon as I chewed only thinking one thing

Why my father agreed so easily?

Then I thought about my butler it was a little hard to get used to the fact that I have a butler now around whom I don't believe I can trust

Also, why Roselia isn't present today?

Speaking of the devil, the gate of the dining hall opened and Roselia entered I looked at her with a bored gaze before going back to thinking

It's just Roselia with some cat-like boy- wait what?

I looked back what is that?

Snowy white hair cut short and purple eyes with crescent shaped dark pupil and such a pale skin and that tail, who is he?

Roselia sat down as if bringing a stranger was a completely normal thing

I squinted at the boy, was he in the story?

Hmm, after carefully observing him I can come up with only one possibility he is her beast?

I mean that beast she picked from the slave market

I guess so

His name is Rui, a beast, what type I dunno cuz I don't bother remembering these small details but I possibly couldn't forget him his character was after all a real, bitch

Don't let his childish face, frail body and innocent looking eyes fool you he's the complete opposite of what he looks like cunning and ruthless and have trust issues

At first, Roselia was also fooled by his looks but when she brought him from slave market he attacked her and ran away then she met him again, in the hands of some hunter and then saved him and guess what?

He was forever grateful for her after that, saying that in this world full of lies and not so good people there she was an angel who saved him and the list goes on

I internally rolled my eyes when he gave me, yes me of all people a stink eye

What lies have you told him, Roselia?

I watched as the Duke stared at the boy before asking his daughter

"Who is this?" Rui gave a sickening sweet smile and bowed to him

"I am Rui, your grace" when we still wait for more Roselia realized she have some explaining to do "uh dad he is my..." she trailed because it will hurt her heart to call him her slave but continued nonetheless " I bought him from slave market" you can see how much it hurts her to say it

Aww poor girl,
Fucking bullshit

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