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They had an awesome dinner. Kong warning wayu. Now earth knows how wayo felt between him and arthit.

"Kong i am sorry for what my brother did but maybe you can just talk with him?" Wayu said finally making a civil cono.

Kong stared at wayu.

"I know it might be hurting but he is too. I am sorry but i had to say this. I know it must be hurt to see these both idiots at once and get blasted with too much information but can you try?" Wayu bit his lips.

Kong gave a small smile to wayu knowing where he is coming for. He might have done this for his brother too. But what does it all meant? Didnt arthit want to break up then what's with explaining things and the hurting part? Maybe he need to talk.

"Oi who are you calling idiot" earth asked to lighten the mood

"Who do you think? There is only one in this room that's not me or him" kong quipped and shared a high five with wayu.

"Are these guys real?" Earth muttered.

"This is amazing. I am coming everyday." Wayu said eating the dinner.

"Shameless! Inviting yourself" kong snorted.

Wayu and kong again started fighting.

"You know guys you are both ceos and rich and me a poor cubicle worker how about you both pay me" earth said smiling sweetly both kong and wayu looked at earth increduously.

"I can give you half the property nothing more certainly not for food which you owe me" kong said

"Same. You need to marry me" wayu said casually and digged in his food.

"Are you for real? You cant propose him like this you need my permission first." Kong said looking scandalised but earth too shaked to say anything.

Wayu shrugged noticing the changes in earth and enjoying getting the reaction. But gave a straight face.

"I havent said yes ... yet" earth mumbeled but smiled.

"Yuck i want to gag now" kong said but was happy seeing his brother getting a good partner. Oh yeah he had already done a thorough search about him and knows everything about him.

"I am crashing here today." Wayu declared. Earth thought nothing of it. It was himself too who crashed at wayu's place so its fine.

"I am too" kong said causing both of them raising their brows.

"What? I want to do the same we did earlier days." Kong said. Earth knew there is more to it.

"You can take the couch p'yoooo" kong mocked.

"Who said you can call me that?" Wayu frowned.

" i can call you whatever i want that is if you want my permission" kong said and wayu mumbled something incoherent under his breathe.

They did follow kong's arrangement. Kong was a early riser so was earth. They both woke up kong made them both cofee. Yeah he knows how to make that. Earth made the breakfast. It was a miracle wayu didnt wake up with all the ruckus kong was making knowingly to annoy him.

It was 7 in the morning and earth's bell rang. He went to find a halfazard looking arthit.

"How are you earth? Where is wayu? You both are okay right? Kong? Where is he? Wayu said he is going to meet you guys and didnt took the call after you didnt too. He didnt came home yesterday i was crashing there. I was troubled to death." Arthit said in one breath. Then he saw wayu waking up slowly then moved his eyes to the figure sitting on the table.

A Beautiful Mess [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now