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Draco stared at his reflection as he drank a full cup of Firewhiskey. He lightly winced as he felt the burn flowing down his throat into the confinements of his stomach. He did make a mistake of grabbing Granger and running.

Always running from tough situations.

Almost as if he had a choice.

He scoffed. "You didn't have a choice." He whispered to himself. "You didn't have a choice. She didn't know that. She didn't see deeper into your life as you knew how it was."

Like you're nothing.

He shut his eyes painfully as he walked out of his room, heading towards the loud noise of Theo and Blaise laughing.

Like you're nothing.

He gripped the glass cup in his hand, feeling it almost shatter.

I didn't have a choice.

It was either live or die.

During those moments, he somehow chose to live. Not having the dignity to leave his mother behind. He couldn't do that.

Couldn't leave his mother alone, especially with his father.

Either die or live, he preferred not to have died so early in his life. He had a life to fulfill, to grow into something besides the dreading and trapping of his dark past. Draco couldn't do that to himself, no matter how easier it would've been to just leave everything.

Not to his mother, of all people.

Granger didn't know anything about him. She didn't deserve to call him out the way she did. She knew nothing of him.


Neither did he.

Yet, he supposed he deserved that little shout out from her of all people that have called him out. He did her dirty, called her blood dirty too many times throughout Hogwarts. He somewhat deserved it, in some way.

He stopped right outside the threshold where his two best mates stood on the other side, their backs to him. Dragging his hands over his face, he took a deep breath and tried to calm down. Granger had every right to call him out.

Or did she?

He shook his head as he looked up. She didn't.

Fuck, maybe she did.

No, Draco. Granger didn't have the right to say those things to you.

Whatever. It didn't matter. It was said and done, nothing he could do to prevent it. It was Friday and he was ready to forget everything for the rest of the night. No more.

No more Granger until Monday.

Draco rolled his eyes, deciding to forget about her and walked into the room. "Ready?"

They both turned, Theo smiling widely in excitement and Blaise just nodding. "Yes, mate! You?" Draco opened his mouth to respond until Theo retreated back to talking. "I am." He clapped his hands and walked around. "I'm so ready to get wasted and hook up with so many women. This will be fun."

The other two watched as Theo continued to walk around, practically skipping in step all giddy. "Right..." Blaise responded, rolling the sleeves of his shirt. "You do that while I head straight for Luna."

"You mean Asteroid?" Theo smirked and wagged his brows, jumping in place.

Blaise's eyes hardened and took a step forward, grabbing the collar of the speaker's shirt. "You stay away from her, got it?"

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