Chapter 3

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Well, if it isn't Captain Crow and his loyal mates said the king. Your Grace, as you can see, the oceans have  bounty. But there's something I don't see.

The horn of the Red Bluster. Admiral Hornagold has reported a rumor... Admiral Hornagold? ...that you spotted the Red Bluster, but abandoned your pursuit because of a certain code. The royals don't pay you to honor such codes. They pay you to kill monsters. How many more ships will be lost because you let the Bluster slip away? This was once a small kingdom with a big idea. To send hunters out to repel the beasts from our shores and usher in a new era of peace. It's been hundreds of years since the dark times, but as long as the Bluster lives, people will still look to the seas with fear. So today marks the beginning of a new era. The Crown will no longer support the hunters the king said.

The, uh... The Captain is well-known for his temper, but his talents as a hunter have served you well. He's opened the seas and made your empire the envy of the known world. Now, I believe the world still needs the hunters, so prove me wrong. Give us one more try for the Bluster. If we take it, you keep your promise, and we continue our alliance. If the Imperator takes the Bluster, well, you can tear down the Inevitable for scrap, and the days of the hunters will be over. Either way, you win said Jacob Holland.

I, for one, would relish the opportunity said Admiral Hornagold the face of the orphaned mermaid flashed through his Mind again and in seconds he disappeared running down to the water where he saw her again.

She dove beneath the waves hearing the voice of Captain Crow hey no wait he shouted but the orphaned mermaid was already gone wait for whom Jacob? said Captain Crow as he once again caught sight of her staring back at him a finger to her bright pi...

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She dove beneath the waves hearing the voice of Captain Crow hey no wait he shouted but the orphaned mermaid was already gone wait for whom Jacob? said Captain Crow as he once again caught sight of her staring back at him a finger to her bright pink lips. Nobody replied Jacob. We'll take the Bluster and bring it to their doorstep. The days of hunters are not over. Not nearly.

For we are hunters. And we will bring all of our skill and all of our rage down upon this beast. And there will be justice! Said Captain Crow causing the ship mate's to cheer But that will not be the end of this great ship. For no one has sailed beyond the Dregmorr Sea. No one knows what dangers lurk in that terrible unknown. But it will be this ship, under Jacob Holland, that will pierce the darkness. So let's drink to a successful hunt, with many more to come. Said Captain Crow. Ow,! A voice Said causing a sailor to speak What was that? Said a sailor which was followed by another It came from the keg and then a third sailor added What was that?

You stowed away? I stowed away sighed Jacob You stowed away he said again. Uh, I... Yeah. Said Maisie Well, we're dropping you off at the nearest port. We're going after the Bluster. We can't have a kid mucking about said Jacob but what no one saw was the girl sitting on the side of the ship. The ocean has sent us its worst, and we'll send it right back. Carcass shot if you please, gunners! Protect our broadside said Captain Crow. All right, ya fish killers! We come all this way for a proper fight and... His voice cut off When he saw the girl and Maisie came out of her room

Jacob! What's happening? Maisie asked Maisie, get back to your room! Said Jacob Go he added throwing her over his shoulder handing a sailor the box of bombs before carrying her into her room.Stay away from the window said Jacob Hurry, lad shouted Sarah Sharpe the girl from earlier sitting on the anchor

Jacob looked around for the girl confused where did she go? And why did she just disappear?

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