Chapter Three

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It has been a few days since that encounter with the Dark Sorceress and Sabrina was having a great time with the help of her new powers.

Whenever there was some sort of problem, Sabrina easily handled it with her new powers and she could use them to mess around with some nasty people around her without being noticed. Now she has more time to spend with her friends at the mall.

As for her family, her aunts seemed quite pleased to see that Sabrina was doing quite well with her sorcery but her Uncle Severus didn't look very impressed. He was her mother's brother who was also a mortal and though he had agreed to watch out for Sabrina during her stay, Severus took matters seriously and would prefer it if his niece could learn to do things the hard and proper way.

'Well, perhaps you might be having some fun to yourself, Sabrina.' he advises her, 'But there are things that are not meant to be tempered with magic. It could end up disastrous.'

'Don't worry Uncle Severus,' Sabrina assures him. 'Everything will turn out fine.'

The truth was that Sabrina didn't feel very comfortable with the powers that she was using. In her room, Sabrina sits on her bed and thought through how things went during the past few days.

'What's up kid?' Pluto comes out to see her. 'You don't look very happy. I thought I heard you telling Severus that you were handling everything just fine.'

'Maybe, Pluto,' Sabrina answers him,' I mean, I could do whatever I want and nothing has gone wrong for me but I feel like the spell that I am using is making others uneasy about me or making people suffer.'

'Hmm, and what is this spell that you've been using lately?' Pluto asks her. He was looking very suspiciously at her. 'Certainly, this isn't a spell given by some mysterious sorceress is it?'

'Why would you ask that Pluto?' Sabrina asks him.

'It's kind of curious that you were able to perform all sorts of tricks without breaking a sweat.' Pluto answers her. 'I've also been flying over you and noticing that sometimes strange things happen and you didn't even recite a spell.'

'Is that bad, Pluto?' Sabrina continues to question him.

'Well, that depends on the spell you're using and how you're using it.' Pluto answers her. 'I would so love to try that spell to turn myself back into the warlock that I used to be, then I wouldn't be cursed to rely on scrolls and charms to perform the types of sorcery that I used to do. Still, I think this spell might be dangerous.'

'Well, you might be right, Pluto.' Sabrina replies to him. 'I suppose I should try and refrain myself from using my magic if it isn't necessary. I don't want to end up hurting people.'

'Good, now get some rest kid,' Pluto tells her. 'you've got a big day ahead of you and I've got a lot of flying to do, especially to look after you.'

As Pluto enters his birdhouse, Sabrina thought about what Pluto had said while she thinks back on the past few days. She had been using her powers to complete most of her assignments and alter the teacher's mind to reduce the amount of work being handed out so that she would have more time to spend on something that she would much rather do. It was kind of fun using her magic to mess around with Diamond and that big bully Tough-Face who likes to mess around with smaller kids. Still, it felt wrong to be messing around with them. Perhaps a bit of mischief would be satisfying but she felt as if she was hurting them even though nobody realized it. Sabrina had also been using her magic to help her friend Henry win his sports matches whenever she goes to watch his game. She had even used it to get her on top of certain events, even when Diamond keeps mocking her about how terrible she would end up at those events. But deep down, she knows that she was cheating with her magic and she knows it was wrong. Uncle Severus would have grounded her if he ever found out about it but Sabrina didn't mention a thing. Her aunts were also uncomfortable with Sabrina using her sorcery to handle her problems even though they used their magic to deal with most of their issues. It also seems strange to them that everything went smoothly with no mishaps.

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