Chapter Thirteen

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The beach was empty of any people by the time Sabrina and her friends make it onto the shores. This was a good thing as they would be able to make their way to the island without attracting unwanted attention to themselves.

As they look out toward the sea, Sabrina could see the island that they were to walk on. The island was as big as any ordinary island with a handful of trees covering the island. The island looks as natural as any other island but Sabrina could feel large quantities of sorcery being radiated from that island.

'Looks like that's our destination.' Henry points out to them. 'Even the Ectoplasmic Detector seems to agree that there is something unusual about that island.'

Sabrina looks at the device that Henry was holding and notices that the screen was blinking and it was making a blinking sound as if it was picking up on some sort of signal.

'Alright, so how do we get onto that island?' Katie asks them both. 'I'm not sure I want to swim all the way there.'

'Don't worry, I've got this.' Sabrina assures her then waves her hands in the air. 'Boat appear on the shores, so that we may figure out what that island stores.'

Immediately a boat appears on the waters. It was a typical boat with a propeller and a roof along with a steering wheel to steer the boat on the seas.

'Hop on, you guys.' Sabrina says to the others. 'We better get moving before anybody notices us.'

Both Katie and Henry agree and quickly got on the boat along with the supplies that they brought with them.

'This thing is awesome,' Henry comments on the boat, 'can I steer the boat please, Sabrina?'

'Well, I was about to use some magic to get this thing to move but why not.' Sabrina replies to him. 'Hope you know how to steer this thing, Henry.'

'Oh don't worry, I think I've got this under control.' Henry heads over to the controls and manages to turn on the engine and soon the boat was speeding its way onto the island. 'See, told you I've got this under control. Now let's see how fast this thing can go.'

It takes a couple of minutes for the boat to arrive on the shores of the island. Once they land, Henry pulls the boat onto the sand.

'Better make sure this boat is still here in case we need to leave.' Henry says to them before he finishes securing the boat on the sand. 'Alright, this should do it. So, now which way should we go.'

'Perhaps that nice looking house over there.' Katie points to a house up ahead. It takes a moment for both Sabrina and Henry to notice that there was a house standing a few feet away from the beach. 'I'll bet that's where our friend is hiding.'

After walking a few miles up the coast, Sabrina and her friends make it to the house. At first sight, Sabrina thought that the house was the kind that she would want with its white walls gleaming in the sun and windows that sparkled as sunlight enters the house. There was even a small garden where all kinds of herbs were growing healthily and the flowers were blooming beautifully

'Man, and here I thought your future self wouldn't be concerned with making things look as bright or spectacular as this house.' Katie comments as she looks at the house. 'You think anybody's home?'

'I guess there's only one way to find out.' Sabrina heads over to the door before Henry stops her in her tracks.

'Sabrina, you're not planning on knocking on the door or ringing the doorbell, are you?' Henry asks in concern. 'If your future self is in there, she might jump out immediately and attack us.'

'Well, then what do you suppose I should do, Henry?' Sabrina asks him. 'Do you want me to teleport us into the house and see what's going on in there?'

'Um yes, that sounds like a better idea.' Henry replies to her. 'What do you say Katie?'

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