Chapter 1:A past comback to hunt

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3 helicopters where flying over the ocean towards Gotham City. Inside where elite soldier units from a company know as Crynet. The soldiers know as C.E.L.L(CryNet Enforcement and Local Logistics) where task with taking over Gotham and the company Wayne Tech Enterprises to build more power weapons. They would need to eliminate all who stand in the way. The criminals and meta human's as well as the batman him self. He would get in the way of there plan so he is a target. In lead of these soldiers is what Crynet will call there ultimate soldier (Y/N) (L/N) code named the Arkham Knight. With over 30 of the C.E.L.L finest soldiers at his command it should be a piece of cake. They would set up operations as soon as possible, but first Arkham Knight had a bit of recruiting to do. There helicopters in stealth mode land towards a abandoned lab building and start to set up there equipment. With the soldiers out Arkham knight picks 3 to go with him to the area Arkham Asylum. They hop in to his modified chopper and fly off.

As they reach the prison island (Y/N) cloaks the chopper so there not seen. The targets (Y/N) was looking to recruit where 4 heavy hitters that he wanted in his team. FireFly, Killer Moth, Deathstroke and Deadshot. They where being held here and (Y/N) was going to break them out. Landing on a roof still cloaked they jump out the helicopter. Arkham Knight activates a beacon so they can find it later. They all cloak them selfs and begin making there way to the prison main office to get the information they need to find the prisoners. Moving swiftly they make it to there objective with surprisingly little resistance and only knocking out 2 guards. (Y/N) hacks into the computer while the 3 soldiers with him stand guard. He cracks it fast and finds the information he needs. While downloading the schematics to his personal portable computer he comes across 2 images. One Of the inmate Poison Ivy and one of Harley Quinn. Staring at them (Y/N) begins to get a headache, almost has a vision as if he knows these two. He shakes it off and continues downloading everything then wipes the computer so he only has the info. As he finishes his squad tells him a old man is coming to the office. Must be the warden. They all cloak back to invisibility and go past to there first target area the main cell block. As they get there (Y/N) talks to his men. "Killer Moth out first rescue is in cell 23 second floor. We need to be cautious of the guards and jam cameras. If there are inmates walking around we need to dispose of they so there wont be any trouble understanding".

Before they could say anything. The alarm goes off and they here a huge crash. They look in to see a giant fucking plant spouting every where tearing off cell doors letting inmates free. There element of surprise is gone now they need to go in loud. (Y/N) readies his assault rifle and kicks in the door. He begins to fire at a few guards and lesser inmates killing them. His men lay down a suppressing fire as he makes his way down to the cell. There entrance was noticed by the person controlling the plants a green skinned woman, but did not pay them any mind till one shot at her. She was pissed and sent a plant at the one running. Seeing this (Y/N) jumps over it and activates his wrist mounted flame throwers and begins to burn it. This pisses her off even more now she wants to kill these men. She begins sending more plants and vines towards him but he dodges all of them in quick acrobatic moves. Taking out a red energy blade he begins hacking up almost all the plants but 2 wrap around him. (Y/N) doesn't fret and tells his men "keep going extract the package, ill deal with her ill meet you at the helicopter". Being held upside down face to face with the green skinned woman.

Poison Ivy pov:

I just heard this person bark a order about extracting something to the other men with him but i paid them no mind. My problem was with the one I grabbed. He killed my plants with no mercy, to make it worst he looked like a batman knock off. He was struggling to get out. "Who pray tell are you?" I asked him.

"Your not going to get that information but i know who you are Poison Ivy, with your love of plants and green skin" he answered and it pissed me off but I asked him another question.

Harley Quinn:The Arkham Knight CrysisWhere stories live. Discover now