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Drake: come on, your better than that!
Zachary: I know, I'm sorry!. I haven't been focusing that well.
Drake: your just letting me beat you up! Is this how you want people to see you? Easy to hurt?
Zachary: ...
Drake: .. *sigh* Zachary, what's wrong?
Zachary: I just been thinking and I come to realised, how hard it would be for light to grow up without a father.
Drake: .. Zachary, it was for the best he doesn't have to grow up with him, and it's best he's gone now
Zachary: I know, he just doesn't have anyone to look up to now
Drake: he has us?
Zachary: ... Yeah your right!
Drake: do you want to carry on?
Zachary: sure!
Zachary grabbed his sword, looked at Drake and smiled.
Drake: no no no! Here
Drake walked over to him and moved his arm up.
Drake: always start with your arm up. Sword pointing in front of you. There for if the enemy comes to attack you from behind, hit your sword down with full strength, and same if it happened in front.
Zachary: okay.
Drake: now. Swing.
Zachary threw his arm down at a fast speed. His sword got stuck in the ground. Zachary laughed than said sorry to Drake, Zachary tried to pull it out, Drake chuckling while watching him failing.
after 10 minutes, Drake walked over and pulled the sword out.
Tw mention of killers + murder mention + mention of war

Zachary: you know, I was always a massive fan of this famous killer guy named... Killer for fame! I have lots of comics upstairs about him!
Drake: so your quite a fan boy of his?
Zachary: I don't know. I never really crushed on him, well maybe when I was younger, he's never been caught though, so no one really know who he is
Drake: what does he do?
Zachary: normally, hurt people, start wars. Or just kill people. For fun. People are still looking for him.
Drake: Mm,how do you feel about him?
Zachary: he's interesting on how he hides in plain sight!
Drake: yeah, he's sounds like a pretty cool guy!
Zachary: yup, most interesting guy I ever heard of! And coolest guy!
Drake: mm, why don't you show me your collection of comics?
Zachary: of course!
Zachary and Drake left the garden, putting the swords away.
Drake: so, how long have you been a fan of this guy?
Zachary: since like forever!
Drake: mm, sounds good!
Zachary opened the door to his room and enter, Drake followed him. Zachary looked over at his bunk bed that he shared with light, than he ran over and pulled light down.
Zachary: brother, why was you hanging of the leader?
Light: I wanted to climb to the top!
Zachary: but it's dangerous for you.
Light: but you do it!.
Zachary: that's because I'm older, one day you'll be able to do it!
Light: okay.
Zachary carried light to his desk and put him on the chair. He walked over to his bed and pulled out a box. Drake looked over.
Zachary: the comics are in here somewhere!
Drake: okay!
Drake looked at light, he picked him up and walked to the bed, he sat down and light sat on his knee. Drake looked down at Zachary who was looking though the box.
Zachary: here's the first one I ever got!
Drake: mm, I never knew people made comics on it.
Zachary: yeah, well to be honest they not really comics, more like books!
Drake: mm, interesting.
Drake pov: lmao, never knew I had a fan.
Zachary: Drake?
Drake: yeah?
Zachary: does it make me a nerd for having all these books?
Drake: of course not, I'll just call you that for fun!
Zachary: >:0
Drake and Zachary laughed, light tried to grab the book but Zachary pulled the book away
Zachary: oh no, your to young for this
Light: but Zachy-
Zachary: when your older!
Light: not fair!
Light crossed his arms, and moved away from drake. He sat on the end of his bed with his leg hanging down.
Light: i'm to young for everything!
Zachary: no, brother-
Light: it's true!
Drake pulled light to him, ruffling his hair.
Drake: little one, listen to your brother. He's just wants the best for you.
Light: okay.
Zachary: why Don't we go on a walk? All of us?
Drake: sure
Light: Yess!!!!!
Zachary looked at light
Zachary: want a piggy back ride?
Light: yes!!!!!
Zachary lifted him up, placing him on his back. Drake stood up and opened the door for them, Zachary smiled at Drake and walked of.
-a few minutes later-
They were walking to the park, light jumped down and held Zachary's hand tightly.
Zachary: brother? Are you okay?
Light: yeah..
Zachary: ooo! Let's go talk to him! I'll love to meet your friend!
Drake: yeah!
Light: he's not really friend..
Zachary: oh, do you know him?
Light: I mean yeah but-
Drake: let's go talk to him than!
Light: okay
They walked over to the teenager
Zachary: hello! You must be a boy who know my brother!
Levi: oh yeah I know him, we're.. Mates.
Light: can we go now...?
Zachary: what's wrong?
Light: nothing! I just want to go!
Drake: Zachary, I'll take him to get some ice cream. Come on little one.
Drake held his hand and walked of.
Drake: do you know those guys?
Light: mm.
Drake: I guess their not nice, hm?
Light: it doesn't matter.
Drake: oh, please tell me.
Light: no, don't worry about it.
Drake crouch down and looked at light.
Drake: please don't lie to me. I just want to help.
Light: I promise it's nothing!
Drake: *sigh*, okay. Let's go!
Drake stood up and picked Up light. Light laugh as Drake told him a joke.
Zachary ran over to them and saw light's face covered in ice cream. Zachary pulled out a tissue and clean light's face.
Drake: it's look amazing.
Zachary: what?
Drake: my chocolate cake.
Drake always loved treats. He loved chocolate, cake was his favourite.
Tw swearing

Zachary: light!
Drake: huh?
Zachary: you can't say such words! Swearing is very bad!
Light: I'm sorry! I didn't know it was swearing!
Zachary: it's okay. Don't worry light!
Drake: what did he say??
Zachary: the f word.
Drake: hahahaha he said fuck??
Zachary: Drake!
Drake: whatttttttt
Zachary: *sigh* nothing, let's go home!
Light: awwww why????
Zachary: because (😌)
Light- 😭😭

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